Marvel Cinematic Universe

>Marvel Cinematic Universe
>every obscure comic gets a movie or tv show
>Star Wars
>every shitty character or era gets a movie or tv show
Where's the Duck Cinematic Universe? It's Disney through and through, based on comics, and panders to nostalgiafags just as much. If they can make a racoon and a tree happen, then why not ducks?

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They tried milking the ducks but they made all the ducks gay so it failed.

Only Europoors care about this.

Only burgers think hes Scrooge's main rival. We eurochads are typical Rockerduck enjoyers.

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normies couldn't handle it

Cause you can't make gay ducks and black ducks

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Flintheart is more interesting tho, he is pure asshole and almost a murderer

You joke, but the the Life and Times of Scrooge wold be the goat

The new Ducktales show did setup a cinematic universe, they setup spinoffs for Darkwing Duck, Goof Troop, and Rescue Rangers.

Disney doesn't give a fuck about their classic characters. That new Chip and Dale movie was a self-aware parody instead of a real follow-up for a reason. Warner Bros. at least makes a lot of Looney Tunes shit these days still, meanwhile Disney doesn't even bother to put all their classic cartoons on Disney+

Disney has no idea of the GOLDMINE they are sitting on. Do you think Bob Iger or Bob Chapek know Carl Barks or Don Rosa comics even exist? Of course not.

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Fuck Ducktales! Give me REAL adaptations of Carl Barks and Don Rosa comics. Ducktales is a DISGRACE.

>Third richest duck in the world
You wish, Luigi.

It would exceed goat

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Disney will never give us the Golden Age style hand drawn animation for Scrooge McDuck.

This, they really fucked up the Ducktales 2017 reboot. What's fucking ironic is that there was a Three Caballeros reboot at that time too that was perfect, and ironically more Ducktales than the Ducktales reboot, but they sidelined that show and only showed it in SE Asia (despite the cartoon being entirely in English) because they thought the Ducktales Reboot would be what they wanted.

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This comic was my favourite by far as a kid.
Scrooge is based as fuck and I completely understand why he dislikes Donald so much.
He pays him enough to have a big house near the city, feed three kids, own a car. Yet he still complains. All he does is clean coins. What do you expect.
Donald is one entitled boomer now that I think about it. Jfc

Have you seen what they've done with the property in the past 10 years? Not counting that cartoon that's not a TVA show which is based.

They'd sooner make a sequel to Hercules than do anything with ducks beyond Donald being a one dimensional character.

t. Don Rosa