America is so big... did you know they have monke?

America is so big... did you know they have monke?

Attached: bigfoot.gif (1593x1124, 3.27M)

Where did he go

I did not know this, thank you for telling me

he got lost on his way to walmart

did they find him?

no :(
this would have never happened if they had proper sidewalks and bicycle lines


Bummer. Must be the same walmart all those black fathers tried to find

that's just greek emigrant

I first laughed about this whole Bigfoot thing being stupid, then I dug deeper and now I'm convinced Monke is real

It's a dude in a suit.

Not a suit

Reminder this footage is legit. No suit at that time be able to replicate muscle twitching and look genuine. Bigfoot is real.

legit footage of a turkish man leaving his kebab shop at 4am

I went to the bigfoot museum once.
It's a very serious thing for some americans.

>did you know they have monke
yeah but they're so cruel to them, kneeling on their necks and shit

isnt southerners claiming bigfoot sightings basically cultural appropriation?
as far as I know he's from washington oregon and northern california

>did you know they have monke
Our cities are infested with monkeys

urbanites just wouldn't understand

Attached: легушка_ети.jpg (600x600, 42.33K)

I'm gonna fucking strangle you