Do you help your ukrainian ancestors?

Do you help your ukrainian ancestors?

Attached: 4yay1stb69b51.png (651x417, 56.4K)

Attached: East_Slavic_Languages_Tree_detailed.png (1800x960, 149.12K)

>old church slavonic doesnt affect east slavic
>that genesis of russian
>old novgorod is descendant of old ruthenian/russian/east slavic
bullshit diagram

our vedas have mentioned "sebrika" a lot in their text. its supposedly where saints went to meditate for years to please god

what's this got to do with the ridiculous and anti-scientific claim in OP's pic?


Attached: QF1JroZ.png (644x800, 25.89K)

same energy

Attached: 4215364132.jpg (1007x1280, 391.33K)

Kebap vendor's hands drew this picture

Actually all world cultures come from India I am not even lying this is what they have been hiding from you

Of course pro-russians are the same people using these chud terms. Are you a bot by any chance?

I’m not Indo-European though

Seethe, orc

Attached: S10203-19585876.jpg (980x496, 116.04K)

All from Tamil or Indo-Aryan?

You're not rus
You're not Scythian
You're khazar mongol slav mutt hybrid

coping, eh? mongol

>coping, eh? mongol

Attached: ukr girls.jpg (2225x1726, 2.44M)

stopped using duolingo the moment they shoved gay shit on my courses. It's a good platform, but things like this gets old fast.


Andrej you really have no business calling people mongol, Vittu.

Is this a mongol projection? I can't call things their names because?

how many of those women could pass as Indians? I'm thinking 2 or 3/5

>posts map where purple area is located mostly in Russia and to a lesser degree in russian speaking Ukraine

Why do I need to seethe?

>knowing basic linguistics is pro-russian
no such thing as pro-russian or anti-russian as an individual on the internet either. irrelevant cogs are placing too much meaning on their non-opinions shat out into the void. you are nothing if you are not the political or capitalist classes. you not only have zero say, you also cannot understand where things stand, what's happening, and what your interests are. you are playing mock battles because the news said HAPPENING.

Old Novgorodian was originally a West, not East Slavic dialect, and OCS had a substantial impact on East Slavic.

Attached: West Slavic Dialect Was Preserved in Novgorod.jpg (666x207, 37.8K)

Ukrainian didn't exist back then

sounds like obvious propaganda but don't PIE languages have some connection to what's now Ukraine?