How do you think Margot is feeling right now?

How do you think Margot is feeling right now?

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How did Val Kilmer feel when he heard he was recast with Clooney?

I never liked her version of Harley. She got the slut part down and that's about it. I'll even let a walled singer give it a shot at this point. That's where I'm at.

Probably feeling great filming Barbie.

This is why she's trying to hop to Disney to lead a new franchise.

>She got the slut part down and that's about it
The worst thing about this is that instead of leaning in on the slutty gf aspect she and WB together decided to go against it and try to portray her character as some feminist empowerment comic relief thing.

Oh no they decided to let the non-character have a character!
Where you're at is your mother's basement


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>the obese roastie chimes in like clockwork

Gaga looks like an old hag

You know I'm right.

>As Val Kilmer says it, one day during filming he remained in the Batsuit because he’d heard some visitors were coming to the set and wanted to see Batman. The guests turned out to be Warren Buffet and his family. But when they came in, they didn’t want to talk to Kilmer. Instead, they wanted to try on the mask and play with the Batmobile.
>This made Kilmer realize that the idea of Batman is real, that anyone could be under the mask. “That’s why it’s so easy to have five or six Batmans,” he said. “It’s not about Batman. There is no Batman.”

he fucking realized what everyone else did.

no, chud

You're clearly not since the worst thing about this is that WB decided to dredge up this horny retard bait non-character at all instead of letting it rot in the 90s

She probably knew the character was dead after BoP.

the joker movies aren't dceu, neither is the batman. right now warner is juggling three different live action batman continuities.

Learn to type words you lazy retard

She didn't. She wanted to produce another movie starring the character where the character would come out as a lesbian.

You're mad because you're a boy and it isn't a choice for you

She hit the wall.

Your mother hit the wall

I am mad because both Birds of Prey and Gunn's The Suicide Squad fucking sucked, and we could have had Ayer's Gotham City Sirens trash/slut kino.

He ended up in Arkham Assylum at the end of the first one, so there was really no other path they could have gone since that's where Joke manipulates Harley in the Canon.
They could have just left Joker as a stand-alone, sure. But then how would they have made more money?? Surely not by another original idea. That would be silly.


>the non-character
Your idea of what makes a proper character has been handed down for thousands of years by men far more racist and sexist than myself. Decolonize your mind. A character does not need to be a motivational poster to be a real character.

This Joker is a retard though and you can bring that muh cannon talk back to the Star Wars thread where it belongs

Okay, how would you have mapped out your Joker sequel, user? Please explain.