Be pagan

>be pagan.
>rape a muslimah and kill her 17 member family.
>get sent to jail for 7 years by pagan infested biased courts.
>they were released yesterday.
>pagans celebrated them as heroes because they raped a muslimah and killed 17 muslims.
does this happen n your cunt ?
why are pajeets like this.?

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Don't Muslims do Love Jihad in India too?

Anyone remember that seething pajeet who was like "WELL IF USA GAVE US ALL THEIR MONEY WE WOULD BE FIRST WORLD LIKE KOREA TOO?"


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South Asian is a mistake

Dont muslims do all kinds of crazy shit in india

Go to Pakistan if you don't like it

>7 rapees in a gang rape
impressive desu, thats next level raping

Never should have burned a train full of unarmed "pagan" Devotes & the riots never would have happened

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are you dumb ?
most hindu kill their women and muslim if they have affair and they still keep their dirty eyes on muslimahs.
it's a right wing conspiracy theory to target and kill muslims,over 100 muslims were killed last year due to this.
pajeets are a digusting race and they even rape muslim women,sell them like prostitutes online.
search bulli bai and sulli deals.

Well Christian Indians I knew told me that Muslims do love Jihad there and they aren't part of that fight so I think you're both 3rd world shitholers and shouldn't be allowed to come into my cunt.

only pajeets.
no,some extremists do but,overall hindus' rape so many women even from pagan sects.

wat a bunch of pieces of shit

give back kashmir,we will go.

is that guy supposed to be good looking?

Muslims have been nothing but violent shitheads since forever. For once they are the bitch and no punk ass whites to protect them. You reap what you sow.

who is the avengers and who is the thanos in this?

some muslims did kidnap christian women in south india and mass raped them but,that doesn't represent entire community.
hindu's on the other hand lust over muslim women because they have superior persian-turkic ancestory than these negros.

Muslims think everyone else except them is out to get them while every other community knows it's always the muslims. They will never grow out of their victim complex.

>raped a muslimah
not based
>killed 17 muslims
pretty based

whites will recieve punishment by the coming caliphate.


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couldnt you go to pakistan or bangladesh if you hate living among pagans?

did you read the image.
smashed head of 3 year old on ground.

Get off your proxy inbred. This isn't Any Forums

you're from america

>OP thinks this what average muslimah looks like.

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Their religion literally calls for the rape and murder of kaffir. Don't see anything wrong with doing to them what they do to others! Amen.

india is my country and i deserve to have my religion there and no one can misuse their power to push me out.

>muslims complainimg about pedofilia and murder

Pagans will burn in hell for all eternity

always remember hindu brothers.

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>mass rape
hmmm sounds like it took a village

a muslim slut is on my bucket list too

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>and rape
Indian women start covering up once the muslims arrived in the subcontinent

>muslims complaining about rape and murder
what goes around comes around

Fuck off we have been saying how retarded the judiciary has for years no decades now.

Killing mudslime semites is the only based thing poopjeets do.
It would be so based if both wiped each other out and we turned the entire subcontinent of India into a large nature preserve

yes and ?

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The entire Indian judiciary from the SC judges to the lawyers are all from the same 300-400 families.

we will tear their hijabs and burqa.
we will rape them.
they will be our whores.
muslim ""men"" will be sent to gas chambers.
just wait inbreds,biggest genocide of 21st century has just begun.

>Mohammad Zubair

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You're by the nature of your religion a traitor. Why should you be tolerated?

Muslims are invaders and killed millions of indus

don't the British count as Christians?

>white people siding with pagans.
it's over.

He's referring to converts who becomes missionaries converting tribals.

>no one can misuse their power to kick me out
Oh, they can. Do you think you muslims have a monopoly on violence?

Better an enemy than schizo retards like you and your cult.

he specially means christian missionaries from america here,they are hell bent on spreading christian faith here.
white christians are chill according to him.
he supported the queen and opposed independence due to muslim menance and british were our allies so,don't convert our people and we chill with christians.
sadly for muslims there is no sympathy.

How does this justify a harmless woman being brutally gangraped? I don't get how anyone in this thread thinks that lashing out on innocent muslim women is justifiable when the perpetrators were deranged muslim men. You are all so fucking sexist. Why the fuck do women have to suffer too because you hate the men

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>muslims crying crocodile tears when they're the victims

I wish every country would treat Muslims like China and India do.

I bet you're the type of person who thinks chuds are wrong, even after reading this thread lol.