How can I convince you that Islam is the one true religion?

How can I convince you that Islam is the one true religion?
My time is precious, so I will not reply to trolls.

Attached: jokowi-sholat-dhuhur-768x634.jpg (768x634, 78.28K)

Other urls found in this thread:'ari

I already converted in 2020 though, as soon as the election was stolen I realized there is only hope and salvation in god himself and christcucks are niggers.

What wisdom does the Qaran offer that the Hebrew and Christian Bibles lack?


>My time is precious, so I will not reply to trolls.

Give an adequate explanation as to why there is not a single surviving Christian or Jewish source referencing the Kaaba if it was a shrine constructed by Abraham and Ishmael.


Show me a djinn

I don't care. You are the meat toilet of the world. Get someone who isn't a meme in here to prosletyze islam.

You tell me

you're mexican, cringelord

>How can I convince you that Islam is the one true religion?
you can't because it's not. You will never convince me that a scam run by a pedophile warlord is the 'one true religion'

>Hebrew and Christian Bibles lack
Well, Muslim philosophers have said that Christianity focus only on the after life and how to get the best life in it, Judaism focus only on this life and how to get the best of it, and Islam is a mix of both, a religion that gives you the best of both, a religion that makes you both humble and strong

You cant. As soon as you inquire about Allah he becomes completely incoherent.

Muslims feel smug because muh contingency argument. But the moment you discuss Allah its all illogical contradictions.

Eg Allah cannot change, but he went from having not created to having created. Allah is outside of time but we can talk about him in time. Allah does not have parts but some parts of allah are knowable other parts unknowable. Etc

>being a warrior is le bad
Why do christcucks?

God isn't real, nigger

>Eg Allah cannot change, but he went from having not created to having created. Allah is outside of time but we can talk about him in time. Allah does not have parts but some parts of allah are knowable other parts unknowable. Etc
All of these have been answered 1300 years ago.'ari

It's Thursday morning, stop baiting

oh you're serious
go on then, it's your time

Poland, Indonesia, and Monaco in the same thread, I fucking hate you all

It's a futile exercise.

Attached: Indonesian_jihadist_Bahrumsyah_IS_propaganda_video_grab_08112017-300x160.png (300x160, 73.38K)

Fuckers announced Tawjihi results at 5 in the fucking morning and the students are celebrating like niggers. I can't sleep so I must defend to Islam