This is what happens when a yt marries an Asian and raises the kid on American food

This is what happens when a yt marries an Asian and raises the kid on American food.

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That's a fake picture though

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what is he? italian?

Bottom left definitely, bottom right could be anything

Lebanese apparently

Turkish (right)

Holy shit I look exactly like the guy in the top right. Like to a T. What phenotype is that? He must be Anglo. I’ve never seen a stranger that looks like me before. That’s sick.
>no you don’t look like him!
Don’t care didn’t ask

post pic

Post selfie faggot.

Wow, an American chud obsessed with race mixing. Haven't seen many of those lately.

sure thing Cletus

Its the shirt that fucks it up. He'd just look like a stout Middle Earth dwarf if he was wearing something respectable

His grandparents still looked much better than he does THOUGH

his ancestor has good nose unlike his pig nose

>What phenotype is that?
How the fuck are we supposed to know? You're fucking insane if you think there's actually a way of accurately gauging phenotype by nationality, at best you can only guess the region of Europe. He looks "northern European" enough, could be from anywhere ranging from Sweden to Austria really

soft food and its consequences has been disaster for male kind

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damn, Italians look like THAT?!

atleast he doesnt have gyno... haha.

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Bet his mom filipino