"There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man."

Why do we like characters like this so much?

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I don’t, they’re corny

Show Stannis sucked compared to the books, they turned him into a power hungry zealot. Liking him is just pure contrarianism

It's interesting to see them all struggle and ultimately fail to meet impossible and contradictory but still somewhat noble ideals and goals.

Was Javert “truly just”? He was a morally absolute maniac. In fact, all of them are (except maybe for Stannis, I didn’t watch or read that gay shit).

Cuz Javert was based in both the book(s) and the movie. He was just doing his job

Literally who's top left?

Characters with a strong moral code are interesting to follow because their beliefs are often tested which makes for good drama

>t. no convictions
Smoke some more weed and pretend you're above it all, dude.

You're just a fedora lord

Judge Dredd and Rorschach didn't fail their goals at all
Stannis and Javert aren't exactly truly just, they are fanatics

>You are wrong, and always have been wrong. I'm a man no worse than any man. You are free and there are no conditions. no bargains or petitions. There's nothing that I blame you for. You've done your duty, nothing more.

Book Javert was pure kino of the highest calibre also.

Because they are heroic in the most tragic sense. They are not guilty of any crimes, but they are also not wholly innocent.

Stannis literally used foreign shadow magic to assassinate his brother. He has zero convictions.

No? I don’t do drugs, was raised well and have decent morals but the way these characters usually go just feel like forced badassery if that makes sense, and the usual wooing contradiction with violent actions they take feels boring to me now, proper just heroes I like but this thread is vague…

that's what separates a fanatic from a just man, the fanatic will do anything to achieve their goals because they believe every action they perform is just if the ends justify the means

Because 99% of characters both in film and IRL are motivated by naked self interest under the guise of this or that ideology.

Characters (and real people) who place their moral code or philosophy ahead of even their own happiness/wellbeing are fascinating because it so goes against the normal human experience. It is something immaterial, that cannot be bought, bargained, bribed, explained, or given objective value. It's also psychologically interesting because the true believer will do for their belief incredible and super human feats, even at great cost to themselves.

In fact, I would say humanities ability to sacrifice the self in pursuit of a noble goal or moral philosophy is what separates and enobles us in comparison to animals. It's why ancient humans saw bravery and conviction in the face of death as the greatest of virtues. True belief is the one thing in human experience that transcends all value.


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Stannis had no idea about the shadow baby until after the fact. He had intended to beat Renly in open battle.

People who follow the rules hate seeing people get ahead for breaking the rules, so these characters are seen as a divine punishment for arrogant rulebreakers and cheats

>stannis, just
kek no he just wanted to be king
>judge dredd, just
because of the law maybe but it's a commentary on facisim. If you like dredd you're an idiot or a facist(same thing)
>roar shark
kek, he's a weird smelly schizo who was right once in his life.

>because of the law maybe but it's a commentary on facisim. If you like dredd you're an idiot or a facist(same thing)
What's a facist? Is it someone who discriminates based on faces?

An autist who joined into a succession war because the current king is the result of cuckoldry, but nobody likes him so he had the least men out of anybody in the war at literally every point. Despite this, he's managed to keep fighting and hold on through autistic stubborness bolstered by knowing that he's the rightful heir, and letting anybody else inherit would set a precedent that every death of a king should result in a power-grab succession war.

Attached: Look at how they massacred my Mannis.jpg (720x540, 60.96K)

kek you're so mad

People need to stop believing Rorschach had some unbending moral code, he was perfectly will to make exceptions for the "moral lapses" of men like Nixon and The Comedian. He was a hypocrite.

At what? I'm just confused as to what facisim is