Why do white people like hiking so much?

why do white people like hiking so much?

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black t-shirts evaporate sweat faster. pants tucked into socks prevent ticks from attaching to your asshole.

the rest is accurate criticism.

white people and Japanese enjoy hiking more than any races. I could explain it to you, but you would never truly understand our reasons

in america at least, it's to get away from niggers and brown pipo unironically. they don't tend to like the outdoors so being outside in nature is a therapeutic way for americans with nigger fatigue to relieve themselves

Some kind of coping, most guy i know who love hiking are asocial

it's enjoyable to get away from it all

i don't care what you say
i'll keep using long sticks as a cane while hiking

no you dumb fuck, you're a fucking federal agent posting this same shit every chance you get.

>what is American culture centered around

i like the outdoors THOUGH
but maybe is just my Assperger

you guys must be very desperate then

Attached: american hiker.jpg (605x810, 119.62K)

>it's to get away from niggers and brown pipo unironically
A problem that you wouldn't have to face had you picked your own cotton

kek these lads followed me and my dogs, it was fun

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>they hated him because he told them the truth
cope all you want jamal, I'm not lying
yes probably
see, if fat fucks are fucking off to europe to go have heart attacks hiking up some remote mountain or hill or something, that's how bad the nigger fatigue here really is

ask her

Idk it's just fun
You can do it with other people too. I'd be bored hiking alone

you're a chinese or indian diaspora trying to make the American flag look bad, or you're a federal agent. those are the only two possibilities.

that's awesome, and that they just didn't bolt away

>trying to make the American flag look bad
dude we already look bad, are you fucking retarded? do you have any clue where you are?

I'd go hiking but it just takes a lot of effort man. Not after I worked monday-saturday and gotten my sweet sunday rest

im mexican and go hiking and fishing all the time. I didnt know white people hikes to avoid browns. I will now invite family and friends to come with me to invade white peoples hiking safe spaces.

>it's to get away from niggers and brown pipo unironically. they don't tend to like the outdoors
God you crackers such pathetic subhumans hahahahahaha
If you actually went outside, you'd see that tons of blacks and browns hike for fun. It's pretty normal especially with covid and social distancing. I visited the northwest last year and every other hiker I passed on Rainier was either black or indian. Disproportionately.

The Black Man is the most controversial figure in the world.

>don't forget le mask when you're gonna meet 3 people
hope he dies

i'm well aware of where i am and that's why i pointed out that i've seen him posting the same shit before, whenever there's a thread about hiking or public transportation he always makes sure to copy and paste his bullshit in them.

Here's hoping get disappeared by the local militia hidding out in the woods for it

weird, I see black people hiking in my area all the time. I always imagined that they'd be better at it naturally than whites, since the average nigga usually has a lot of muscle definition and stamina. So I never even thought that we disliked hiking or anything.

Also, there seems to be a trend on Pornhub/onlyfans where black dudes go hiking with their gf and get head at the top of the mountain. Or on a nature trail in general. You can look it up.

>you'd see that tons of blacks and browns hike for fun
>every other hiker I passed on Rainier was either black or indian. Disproportionately
uh huh, yeah sure, okay buddy, whatever you say
as is his penis

Meant to have a don't in there but the numerals disagree I guess

>american flag posts shit about niggers
>"omg I literally know who this is, it's not like every american on this corner of the internet doesn't post about niggers!"
give me a break dude
you don't leave your house