Why was he such a massive dick?

Why was he such a massive dick?

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Capitalism rewards scumbag behaviour.

he's a winner.
nice guys finish last or if they are lucky, get a consolation prize.

they could have done a better job showing how shitty his life as a travelling salesman was, while the mcdonald brothers were doing pretty well
bad times make hard men
good times make weak men

ruthless CHAD steals the 2 soi boy wimps idea and gets rich off it. sounds pretty based

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He really wasn't that big of a dick, he was a perfectionist, wanted to put all of his chances on his side, did the work to put himself out of his shitty job and solve a problem he identified.

He wasn't a dick he just wanted to make the maximum amount of profit for the business he was involved in while the owners were just concerned with the actual quality of food they put out. It was a war on separate capitalist notions and it's clear which was going to prevail. This idea that it matters what the quality of your product is when people are willing to buy it regardless is a fairytale.

It's a fucking movie. It's make-believe.

Why didn't he win with his baseball team?

he'd be spinning in his grave if he saw how soulless and depressing the McDonalds franchise has become today

Attached: Mcdonalds-Before-and-After.jpg (882x1143, 223.4K)

Yea he was much more of a blood sucking kike in real life

Even that second pic is outdated. They've gone back to family style rather than that bizarre business style they had in the 2010's.

Because unlike capitalism sports is actually a meritocracy where quality is valued and the best will prevail. Theres nothing to sell because the in baseball the cream will always rise to the top.

All he “stole” was the name, everything that makes modern McDonalds what it is was invented by Kroc

He paved the way for it with all the moves he made throughout his career. Mcdonalds doesn't sell good food or make memories like in this scene youtube.com/watch?v=t1O8h0jhLyA&ab_channel=2626 they sell a brand which is a lot more effective at gaining income.

Not really. Baseball has no salary cap

further proof that republicans are weak bitches

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The only thing that was really a dick move was making the McDonald brothers change the name of the original restaurant.

That's practically all fast food chains and I'll even say what modern architecture is going for now. Just a soulless sleek box. Early 00's promised me blobitecture would be the new style.

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Have they? Where I live it's proto-cafe with weird sectioning, modern furniture, and plants like it's a garden bar.

>prison bell

And? The best team will still almost always win.


This is what your Long John Silvers could've looked like

Attached: Sage-Gateshead.jpg (875x539, 77.25K)