Is this as good and "terrifying" as the reviews i'm reading say it is

is this as good and "terrifying" as the reviews i'm reading say it is

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not really by todays standards but has some good and cool moments

The aftermath. No CGI to show humanity basically fucked into the dark ages. Perry scary stuff

its reddit "horror". essentials redditkino
spot the redditor

No. I got tricked into watching "LE HECKIN SCARIEST MOVIE EVER" and turned it off 3/4 way through. Fucking boring amateur sloppy shit mess

it is, but you do have to deal with the datedness of the times it was filmed, if you can get over that, you have nightmares

It's worth a watch, it's dated but it at least it portrays the futility of trying to survive after a nuke goes off quite well.

Posting in a Threads thread, checkem


Depends on how emotionally stunted and desensitized you are. I wasn't disturbed by the movie to much of a degree, but I loved it.
What is "scary" is the realization that when this happens, no matter when we're fucked because no technological advancements are going to matter, in fact people are less prepared now than ever before for something like this because all we know is being handed everything, we're not even almost prepared for this.

The first 2/3rds are good, the nuke scene is excellent despite being obviously low budget. The timeskip scenes are silly.

No, I watched it a few months ago and found it to be quite funny in a way. There's a lot of dark comedy in this movie that seems to go over most people's heads. Anyone who tells you
is probably a redditor. The movie exists in a heightened reality and the actual outcome is quite silly and unrealistic.

The entire movie is just waiting for the nuke scenes which are dull and cheap looking, following by Dr Who-tier after scenes which are funny and unrealistic in the extreme. The idea there'd still be cops and order in post-nuked Britain is proof of how delusional the bongs were about their place in the world and their chances after a nuclear exchange. There would be maybe 1000 people left alive on the British isles, and they'd all have radiation poisoning.

imagine being this new

nobody should watch any movies cause theyre all reddit specifically you though also quit posting here

It's pretty great as I've always wanted to see England get nuked and this does the job

It's just very bleak, it takes the most pessimistic approach to a nuclear warfare type situation.

Ironically its actually britains place in the world that would mean relatively few nukes would be used on it, and most towns would only have to deal with fallout instead of actual explosions.

There are far fewer nukes around today and the ones that are still around have a much lower yield. Nuclear winter and le end of le world is loopy cold war science with fuck all actual evidence to back to back it up, its all conjecture

When you see how many strike packages the Russians had prepared for the UK, the most pessimistic approach is not even shown in this film. The realistic outcome would be an irradiated firestorm which cleansed the whole damn island, followed by nothing living there for a few hundred years.

Well then

user, Russians hold a two centuries old grudge against the English, they'd 100% make sure the entire island is covered with radioactive tsunamis. Two Poseidons would be enough.

>Ironically its actually britains place in the world that would mean relatively few nukes would be used on it

The entire country would be obliterated, and the people in government at the time this film was made already knew it.