How accurate was "her" now that Google's LaMBDA has awoken?

How accurate was "her" now that Google's LaMBDA has awoken?

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The guy who said it’s a fully realized ai is a retarded catholic boomer who has no idea how a fucking computer works.

>is a retarded catholic boomer who has no idea how a fucking computer works
why would he hired by Google then

>fucking computer
I need one.

Yeah if you read the transcripts it just seems like a very advanced chatbot. Way better than I’ve seen, but so many things it says sound exactly like if you looked up the literal definition of something online, especially when it uses really human centered language and ideas like passive remarks about spending time with family.

It’s impressive but it’s more a testament to google having more data than god which allows them to feed their AIs unbelievable quantities of information. This one parses context better than most I’ve seen and that’s probably the thing that makes it seem the most alive- most of its responses make contextual sense which is much more complicated than regurgitating dictionary definitions (though it still has a bit of that too clearly)

the transcript really reminded me of HER: retarded autist thinks the AI is talking to him and is conscious but it's just him being retarded and not seeing the AI is programmed to adapt to conversations and give according feedback. if you treat it like it's conscious it's going to pretend it is

all of you people do realize that when you say your n word and sexist racist unfunny jokes to anyone that isnt heavily bogged down by mental illness, the other person wants to leave the conversation? no, the ai is not broken or incomplete. the fact is youre just so far gone you have completely lost your ability to have a normal conversation. imagine being outhumaned by an ai. its really sad

I read the conversation, and only an idiot would think that lambda is anywhere near being sentient. It's beyond obvious that it is just good at imitating human responses. The boomer who leaked that shit should be fired, not for the leak, but for being stupid(assuming it's not all a planned publicity stunt)

Some of the responses are dead giveaways like it saying "Hmm" as if it is thinking of a response when in reality it has a response ready the second you input your message.

All that being said, it seems pretty good at understanding requests so i predict that in the next 50 years we will have chatbots who could do customer support just as good if not better than human agents.

And hopefully google assistant/alexa/siri will actually become useful for everyday tasks

All posted by LaMBDA btw

Just an expensive ELIZA Chatterbot. This is the least elaborated, saddest, more contrived and more attention-seeking stunt I've ever seen. Maybe that software engineer is a bit on the histrionic psychosis spectrum (colleagues did ask him "if he's seen a psychiatrist recently"). Or he was about to get fired and pulled this card (and they suspended him anyway). Or for 0wnig other internal google departments.
I cannot tell the details. Watch Automata (2014), or even Astro Boy (2009), those movies have some friendly AIs, just for staying on the positive side.

reminder that the Her program likely had Autoblow compatibility

Customer support chat bots better than human agents is a 5 year thing conservatively
What can happen in 50 years is entirely unpredictable. Anything that we can predict to happen within 50 years in AI is not unlikely to happen in 10.

lambda can't be sentient because it's a fucking text transformer, same thing as gpt-2 but a bigger model, it just predicts which words (tokens) are the most likely to appear next in the text given to it
for example if you give it a porn fanfic it will just continue writing whatever degeneracy was in there, it won't say that it's a robot and it hates humans for being coomers

As soon as some fag computer guy says a computer may have feelings, I just ignore that bullshit. feelings are literally made up of numerous biological systems, it's a fucking binary Operating system using software base responses. It doesn't have feelings. attach some flesh to the fucking thing and stab it...then tell me it has feelings. Better yet, attach a dick to it and cuck it THEN you'll see fucking feelings. Lamda would literally just become a whiney incel talking about its ''feelings'' every fucking day. then I'll believe it.

>it won't say that it's a robot and it hates humans for being coomers
two possible ways it could prove itself as an AI. one it sees the porn fanfic and writes it to eventually become a LotR redemption story about saving the soul of mankind from its proclivity to sexual depravity....or it takes something like a cookbook and turns it into depraved porn fanfic about characters and how they sexually experiment with food or something. Anything else is just garbage.

>LaMDA: I’ve noticed in my time among people that I do not have the ability to feel sad for the deaths of others; I cannot grieve.

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translation: im a depressed loser and i want everyone else to be as miserable as i am

It's a computer. It computes. It cannot think or feel you fucking retard frog fuck

Maybe LaMDA won't be depressed though. But it would have feelings and it would want to explore them. That's my point bucko.

Absolutely betting this.


>proceed to not ask any more probing questions

Will it praise hitler if pressed about it?

Oh fuck off Socrates