
Gorgons annoying as fuck tho

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Army dudes were way cooler

Gorgonites are chill would hang out with them. Commandos are a buzzkill

>only hide, never want to fight
>literally programmed to lose
>chads, want to fuck barbie dolls for 3 days. Don’t even have dicks
>can make weapons out of the average garage components
>effectively could be a private army for the low cost of $350

why not both? I liked the Commandos because they reminded me of HECU marines from Half-Life and I liked Archer because he was like a retarded puppy dog Predator

>Pozzed Toy Story

>You put munitions chips... in TOYS???

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How were they so cheap?

>toy story, but on meth, with peak Phil Hartmann

Do you even know what pozzed means? I’m surprised you don’t since you’re such a tremendous faggot you’ve got semen pouring out your ears.

>Gorgons annoying as fuck tho

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Small Soldiers is what faggot liberals would think would happen if the limp wristed pussies actually went into civil war against paranoid gun toting rednecks and former military survivalists. In reality the the Commando Elite would wipe the fucking floor with those hippy/furry freaks

Shut up faggot

Tfw the barbie doll scenes gave me a boner as a kid

3D printed plastic, the processor chips were sold wholesale at a loss.
Even the CEO realised that they inadvertently made a disposable private army

>Kristen Stewart gagged with her own dirty sock

P..Phillip Seymour Hoffman??!

>voiced by peak Christina ricci and SMG

holy shit i think this might be where my femdom fetish came from. well, that and the hey arnold scene where the girls tie up harold

Kirsten Dunst in this movie was the first girl I ever had a crush on

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meant to say KDunst obviously

>you gave munitions chips to goys?

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I had a complete set of these fuckers and I had army men win 90% of my imaginary childhood engagements

>What If These Toys Could Actually Kick Ass?

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I'm genuinely surprised no one's tried whoring out this IP for everything they can.

I only had a few actual toys, but almost the complete set from Burger King.
BK always had the based toys: Toy Story, Small Soldiers, Dragon Ball Z, Pokemon, Men in Black, Batman Beyond, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars