What a fucking whiny baby, it's not even out yet

What a fucking whiny baby, it's not even out yet.

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It doesn't need to be out for you to notice the brainwashing agenda.

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why are you subscribed to someone you don't like?

>let me make a thread some youtuber I don't like

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100 internets bets the predator ends up respecting the strong fierce determined brown girl, and teams up with her to take down those white devils. Hollywood really is this predictable.


Why does Any Forums watch this guy? He's the epitome of Reddit.
You guys complain about all these new movies and TV shows then watch this hour-long rants about them? What the fuck is your problem?

me btw

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what does this guy look like?

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The Predator took out a bear, and she thinks she can solo it. Bull shit. Also, the movie is applying European sexual divisions to New World indians. That's fucking disrespectful and ignorant. They should have just put the Predator in Thrace, and let it be Predator vs Thracians vs Romans vs surprise guest proto-Mongols.

can someone post the pic of the lid still on the bottle

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predator vs spartans, it an take home the ritual of fucking little boys before battle.

>Predator "franchise"
>good idea

asian bodybuilder

>Why does Any Forums watch this guy? He's the epitome of Reddit.
Critical Drinker is basically the result of someone mixing a low IQ 4channer with lazy Plinkett review takes and making it into a personality.

>what does this guy look like?
This poster

What if.. what if... we made another gender swapped remake. Hold on hold on hold on, I know that every single gender swap remake has failed but what if... what if they're native Americans? Now if people say the movie socks we can just call them racist white supremacists, free advertising!

he's quadriplegic, have some sympathy.

>Also, the movie is applying European sexual divisions to New World indians.
t. pseud

who the fuck is this guy?
eceleb garbage again?

predator and terminator have been vandalised haha
very sad

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>European sexual divisions
WORLD divisions, fool.
In Europe women worked small jobs while taking care of home. And by small jobs you'd find them working at any restaurant, pub, clothier, etc.

In Japan women's feet were broken starting at birth so they can't walk very far, and did very basic things outside of home.

In the rest of Asia women were basically there to shit out babies.

In Africa if you want a wife, then offer her father a goat, some beads, or some other shit for her.

In the middle east women were homebound, and there solely for cooking for the husband and shitting out babies.

The same goes for India.

Don't pin it on whitey. That's being horribly dishonest.


I'm so sick of this guy. His brand of anti woke is absolute cancer.

A Mr Plinkett ripoff. He's pretty cringe and obviously shills himself here.

but he's right?
Aren't we all sick of women and their bullshit?

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