Remember when you could make a movie with a black protagonist without having a political agenda

remember when you could make a movie with a black protagonist without having a political agenda

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why did politics have to be invented in 2016, bros?

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Occupy Wall Street is the reason why.

If Blade or Alien(s) was made today using the same script and actors it would get review bombed.


The character Blade was actually supposed to be a White British guy, the movies are literally some of the first big cases of Black washing
That being said I still loved them so I don't care lmao

of course it would, it doesnt have any stupid pandering and critics do not care about the actual movie

This desu

prime wesley snipes was great

That's what i hate about audiences now. They assume just because someone is black they are trying to push something.

If this exact same unaltered movie came out today, you would call it political and screech about it.

The problem isn't even the politics, it's that they can't write or make a movie for shit these days.
I blame the writer's strike.
Just look at the new Candyman. It didn't fail because it was woke, that part was the only good part of the movie outside the puppet show. It failed because it's a shit movie and an extra shitty horror one.
Fuck, they didn't even have a clear protag to carry the movie and have an arc, they just had 2 semi-characters share the spotlight with unexplored backstories and personalities.

Nice what if.
Prove it.
If they made them now they would be pozzed shit

Nice job proving his point

gee how could they possibly assume something like that in this day in age? fucking retard

Because you've been trained to by Any Forums.

I think it's a fair assumption, taking into consideration corporate remarks.

> remember when we could just talk about moofies without faggots bringing in pol all the time
yes i get it the world sucks but that's why i watch fantasy kino
Blade was pure though, a refined capeshit for a more civilised age

Yeh but people didn’t care cause they weren’t brainwashed by politics back then seems like every smooth brained npc is a cuck faggot that supports BLM these days

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Have an ounce of self-awareness

Whats there to prove? We already know its would get review bombed for certain reasons.
>OMG look at this pozzed woke shit. Why would they make a movie about a black guy killing whites!!! One star for a black guy killing white people.
>OMG look at this pozzed woke shit. Strong female survives alien that killed the crew with females, blacks and an android that represents gender neutrality because it has no penis or vagina. The alien is also black and killing white people. One star.