Why aren't there good mystery movies anymore

Why aren't there good mystery movies anymore

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No girl has ever hugged me so idk.


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someone always explains why in these threads and i always forget

>hundreds of thread started with this image
>countless thousands of replies
>still not a SINGLE legitimate answer
wtf bros

I know why and I failed badly. I'll keep the secret for now.

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So why do they? They also like rubbing them specially from behind. Gay men do it too.


It's because you're a manlet lmao

Doesn't matter, got hugz
L8r virgins

we have our best minds working on it

I had a female friend who is 4"11 and I'm 6"1 and she refused to not hug me around the shoulders. She said anything lower made her feel like a child.

because it encourages you to pick them up
it's that simple

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Du dududutdudu
Inspector user
Du dududuuu

>She said anything lower made her feel like a child.
I thought they wanted that. This is all very confusing.

The secret is out.

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oh i get it now thank you


Is it the same thot

over the shoulders is more intimate i guess? like she’s taking your face as close to hers as she can? or maybe they feel up your back muscles or something?
i am perplexed.

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> pic
means that she won't fuck you and she loves you as a friend

I still don't get it

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Hips hug is way more sexual/forward if you're just friends. Shoulder hug is more for gauging interest, do you smell good, how would you react etc.

t. former girl hugger

You may be faceblind

their crotch gets close to yours so they can feel your bulge and find out what you're working with

I don't think you ever will, it's not like you have women hugging you anyway.

I thought it was poor form to get a boner while hugging, especially if you're an ugly bastard

Creepiest convention"tradition" that only the smelliest people with the most STDs force every time.
I'm a khv, how do I know this? My nerd buddies who aren't as retarded as me banged some of those people.

if someone can't feel your bulge unless you have a boner then you have a small pp and they'll know that instantly so mission accomplished

Retired or dishonorably discharged?

what’s it mean when a girl demands a hug even though she’s friends with your gf?

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I like asking them for pictures and jerking off to them later.

what's the tradition

I just realized I have never hugged anyone other than my mom and dad

Walking around with a sign that says "free hugs", demanding hugs, the webm.
The recording part is reserved for the mega creeps.

Cultural or autism reasons?
I know in France there's no word for 'hug' and it's seen as something intimate that lovers do.

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this thread is very upsetting

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I thought it was to press their chest into you

I am fucking dying.

A woman laying her hand on my ass while we're taking a big group photo means she wants to bang right?
This happened to me in a group of tourists in Europe years ago and I didn't know how to make a move when a group of us caught up later.

frenchman here, I hug my bros, kiss my family or females on the cheek and shake hands with the men

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Probably just friendly but you never know. My gf's best friend flirts obviously and is touchy with me, and my gf has picked up on it and is frequently butthurt and won't let us be alone for even 5 seconds.