What Is A Woman

What did we think of it?

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well "we" didn't watch it because "we" don't give a fuck about women at all

a lot of words to say something painfully obvious, but par for the course for Shaprio and the rest of these "right wing" grifters

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self-masturbatory cuckservative propaganda

This is the new response that they’ve programmed the NPCs with. They’re trying to appeal to your “contrarian” side. They absolutely do not want anyone questioning their propaganda, so they try to turn you against some of the only people who dare call out this nonsense. Do not fall for it.

You CHUDS are STILL spreading toxic dangerous transphobic misinformation? That's it, no more Mr. Nice Guy.

MAYONNAISE CHUD, your toxic rhetoric will NOT divide us.

Mayonnaise CHUD, we do not forget. We do not forgive. You have been warned.

We are the Chudbusters. Mayonnaise Chud of Chuddonnaise, consider yourself WARNED. This is ChudWATCH.

Chudbuster OUT.

>defending conservatives
>not an NPC
They're literally the cause of all this. Go ask Walsh his opinion on Israel

any remotely interesting point died by the last third of the movie

>obfuscating the topic further by trying to make tranny hating a NatSoc position 100% and you're a faker if both you're anti-tranny and not itching to genocide the kikes

Okay, so he’s right on just about every topic from marriage, to family, to religion. Better throw the baby out with the bath water. You’re a fucking idiot and you’re obviously trying to discredit this because it’s your last chance to. So you try to go the whole “grifter” route. It’s not going to work buddy.

if you need a movie to tell you the left is full of insane retarded social relativists and the medical and psychiatrics institutes are churning out psychos who want to cut kids dicks off you're already too far gone

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The scene of him lambasting the pannel came across as self serving to me. If I had to describe to someone who's thinking of watching it, I'd say it's interesting and worth it but still a bit cringe/artificial in that sort of kitschy American way.

Nah it’s all natural buddy. Ben Shapiro’s sòyboy employee trying to make money by saying the obvious. They probably do take on this angle, but they are copying me.

What is a woman, user?

I like it because of how it humiliates the left, it hasnt changed my opinion at all, just given me cool new reaction images and webms

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You’re an idiot. Again this is not your actual position, you are writing this so other idiots on this god forsaken website are persuaded to be “contrarian”. This movie is not about me being told that the left is insane, anyone on this website already knows that, it’s about having someone actually point it out and get it spread around to normies. It’s done exactly that. The more people who speak out about this, the better. Do you think this ends by sitting on your computer at home and just waiting for the crazy leftists to stop their nonsense? It makes sense you don’t give a shit, because you’re a childless NEET, you don’t have anything in the game. Other people care about how their civilisation turns out, and I want as many people on my side as possible. I don’t want groomers interacting with my children. In summary, you’re a low IQ individual trying to persuade people not to pursue goals in their own interest otherwise they’re not contrarian enough. Bad strat.

Nigger a decade ago they were outraged about gays, now conservatives consider gays a sacred part of American culture. Before that it was blacks/feminism.
In 20 years the Republican party will be talking about how trans people are American as apple pie but its those damn dirty dogfuckers that are the issue (until a few years later when they welcome dogfuckers and start whining about pedos)

Stop defending these people. They aren't interested in saving America, they're making a quick buck off your outrage while actively supporting all the things that make globohomo possible.

He, I mean, SHE, is a heckin valid diaper trans NatSoc.

14/88 y'all

Guy looks like a major faggot, he exists to make hating trannies seem cringe.

idk i'm not a biologist

> conservatives consider gays a sacred party of american culture

This is just outright false. There are laws that prevent you from discriminating, it doesn’t mean conservative/traditional people are welcoming and raising their children to be gay and/or accept LGBTQ propaganda. Are you okay? You’re just making things up to get people to hate anyone who has similar views as them. Even if IT WERE true, (which it’s not), what’s your solution? Just shitpost online about extremist propaganda that’s never going to change anything? It’s either full nazi or nothing? Are you retarded?

Why no one actually answers the fucking question?

post nose

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> he exists to make hating trannies seem cringe.

See, this is the approach they’ve all been programmed with. They want you to think that pointing out this nonsense is cringe and totally not cool. If you give a fuck about what is cringe or cool, you are retarded.

But you managed to write this post. You are a linguistic professor, right?

What the fuck are you babbling about? I'm not surprised you enjoyed pseud trash given this pointless diatribe. This is the exact same epic lib pwning they've been putting out for 6 years now, but go ahead and delude yourself into thinking they're "just creating a conversation" or whatever the fuck you're on about.

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Pointing out the tranny insanity is based. Looking like you just came back from a cuck festival with the exact wojak glasses and beard is cringe. Simple as.

See, you revert to this nonsense. “you hate Jews right? Well well well, guess what Jews do, they breathe air! You wouldn’t want to be like the Jews would you!!!!”

It’s really fucking stupid. Go back to your discord.