ITT we post ridiculous Any Forums characters

ITT we post ridiculous Any Forums characters

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That whole show was ridiculous

Giant hands

Attached: Batistafoot.jpg (1280x720, 138.67K)

>On March 31, 2022, NCIS was renewed for a twentieth season.

What the fuck I though it ended ages ago

Those are some clownass fukin shoes

It did, user. It did.

She said she was bullied on the show, I wonder why.

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Bullied on the show? For playing a character???

how the fuck is this shit still going

>how the fuck is this shit still going
Boomers and the greatest generation, they love crime shows.

ridiculously kino

Never watched that show because of her.

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>Lead actor is also one of the producers
Easy money to retirement.

Don't forget that it also has two spin-off shows. All three of the shows have barely anything to do with the navy anymore.

As an IT person if we get hacked we just go to the server in question and pull the CAT-6 cable out.

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I wonder if it still has that wierd bloom filter to hide the actors age in each episode.

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Four spin-off shows
>New Orleans
>Hawaii (Started last year)
>Sydney (Starts next Year)

How is he any more ridiculous than most of the characters in Breaking Bad?

Damn. Didn't know about those two new ones.