How do I stop drinking every night?

How do I stop drinking every night?

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bot thread

Drink less. One beer less, one day less, any realistic goal

Just bee urself

You dont :)

You just stop

if you switch for just one night from drinking alcohol to drinking bleach or rat poison you'll never go back to alcohol

By treating yourself with respect.

You know how you pick up a bottle of booze, put it to your lips and swallow?
Yeah just don't do that

Have you considered... idk.. not buying alcohol? Can't drink what you don't own

Binge drink daily, pass out and wale up morning

I beat my alcoholism by starting to smoke weed, and I haven’t drunk hard liquor in quite awhile now. before I was doing it borderline everyday. inb4
>you just substituted one drug for another
yeah, well, I guess I did. at least this one is healthier for you.

I want to do this too. The irony is that the only option I can conceive of is going to gay bars.

I tried to stop again a year ago but it didn't take. The warm weather and fag pride stuff has me reflecting on my stupid little life.

make it a point not to drink one entire day, and put a little mark on a sheet of paper. Next day is much easier, and you start looking forward to putting the mark each day. If you have problems with motivation, download one of those apps that you input when you had your last drink, and it tells you how much your brain has regenerated. Also, 30 minutes of cardio a day helped *a lot*.

You can't taper, I've tried for months and always go back for more. Gotta just cold turkey and give it up.
God being an alcoholic is so utterly fucking miserable, literally the worst genetic mutation ever. I'd gladly trade my arm or leg or something not to have this in a fucking second.

Might grab a couple of ales later. I had 2 yesterday and a big bag of cheesy poofs then I slept like a log. (moderate) drinking is good.

it's more expensive. last bag i bought had seeds in the weed (le reggie in le 2022) and i threw them in a planter and put it out on the deck and i've got like 7 spindle plants growing fast as fuck. i have no idea what im doing.

Get comfy herbal teas or decaf instead, and/or take a sedative, do the same things you do whilst druk, the experience is similar to being buzzed and still comfy
Do not cut ur drinking entirely but set up days for drinking so you have something to look forward to, and it will be much better as your tolerance will have subsided by then

Alternatively, find some hoe to hang out with and watch kinos with etc at night so you aren't compelled to drink on those nights or just slightly drink

Growing like...weeds. Dunno shit either. They might have fuckall THC

if it doesnt work so great you can always mix some buds with the leaves to get a blend that doesnt blow your head off

Have you tried not being a loser and not feeling sorry for yourself like a fucking beta male? Just put the fucking drinks down pussy and go lift some weights and eat a steak. You must have too much time of your hands if you can drink everyday. Get a job and a hobby you goon

Only thing that worked for me was jumping from one drug to another. Just make sure you jump to a less dangerous one each time. Eventually you will just be a weirdo with some really strange food addictions.

I quit weed by drinking alcohol. What a world!!

Do what lahey and randy did: smoke weed instead.

Have you tried replacing all your booze with soda? Then you can drink to your hearts content. So instead of alcoholism, you will just get the beetus.

Stop buying alcohol

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Addiction Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bottle Like Nigga Close Your Mouth Haha

replacing one vice with another is a great way to end up with two vices

So now you're a drug addict, which is 10 times worse.