Questionable basis for a plot

>Questionable basis for a plot
>Questionable casting decisions
>Questionable underlying elements
Why are modern movies like this?

Attached: TheBatman.jpg (1382x2048, 595.93K)

To make you question things

>Question mark in the poster

It's like if spiral was good

Everything pretty much made sense. Not much to question. You have thinking problems OP?

old thread got nuked for specifying the questionable parts in question so I guess generalities it is!

Because modern producers are retards so any good idea has to get by them, then has to be approved by the twitter mob.

What was questionable about the plot, Casting, and what ever the fuck are underlying elements

The whole basis of the film, the fact that the "good cop" Gordon and the new mayoral candidate (who represents "Real" change) share a characteristic and all the old corrupt people in office hold a difference characteristic in common. In fact, Cat Woman references this too at one point.

Made by committee instead of actual singular creatives. The committee can never 100% agree so it ends up with all kinds of forgettable compromises and bilateral decisions.

You pay way to much attention to that shit
>all whites are corrupt
>well besides batman, the main character, but my point still stands!

>"The sins of the father"
His father is evil and by extension, he is

But Batman was literally portrayed as an out of touch rich sob and toxic white male that has to learn to do better.

Thats a retarded mindset and even the movie makes it seem the ridder is retarded for thinking tha
t>the billionaire realizes that theres more to helping people than putting on a costume and breaking arms
oh wow the horror, how could they? a fresh take on batman? nuts

yeah but it has emo batman so it's all worth it

The fact is the city is filled with corrupt White people who get killed off for the virtuous Black police officer to get promoted and the "Real" change Black candidate can win. They beat you over the head that the corrupt, greedy, White people need to die off for diverse Black saviors to come in and fix everything. Batman symbolizes White allies who recognize their place as helping but not actually occupying a position of power.

>they beat you over the head with greedy white people
retard why do you care lol
>ohh nooo the bad guy is white!
If they were played by black actors you'd complain about that too retard

The main good cop had to be race swapped to Black in order to serve this underlying theme. This is blatant.

Where are you getting this from


From watching the movie

Why are you so antiemetic?

Too many questions...

>they only hired the actor because hes black its blatant
>Proof? i have none
hes a good actor retard. Did you cry when Russians were the bad guys in every 80s movie too?