Is the lore good enough for a show?

Is the lore good enough for a show?

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morrowind however...

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Wasn't even good enough for the game, which was shit btw

No but that won't stop them.

no the lore is garbage. muh gods muh chim muh mundus. focusing on metaphysical crap is a sign of a fantasy world that is trying too hard to have "deep" lore.

No, it's yet another big bad thing happening but just the fantasy names scrambled into something else.

The whole fantasy-medieval shtick is running its course in modern times. Game of Thrones left an awful taste in peoples' mouths after the fact. The Witcher has been successful, but questionable as Netflix seems to be ran by clueless individuals. There is no reason to do a show, regardless of lore, because it would be a flop unless they can manage a budget better than the aforementioned as well as Lord of the Rings coming up.

>We were going to make an engaging expansion on the civil war plotline and have the Dragonborn lead his victorious Legion/Stormcloak faction with dragon air support on a brilliant campaign against the Aldmeri Dominion capital.
>But it was too hard.
>So we just threw together some shit with vampires. Enjoy!

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Kys boomer.

they have the same lore you nigger faggot retard

Skyrim > Oblivion > Morrowind

I show about elves being racists towards N'wahs and farm tools would be leagues better than Roman Empire oppressing Scandinavians.

No they don't. Bethesda fucked up the lore in Skyrim and anything made post-Morrowind is just gay fanfic, including official shit released by Bethesda. Fuck you.

I don't know about skyrim, but elder scrolls lore is actually quite rich. But I doubt it would work well on screen, maybe small parts of the lore like focusing on Pelinal or Tiber Septim or something like that.

The show should be based on actual video game logic, then it would be kino

If you have to ask then the answer is probably "no"

I am playing this again in my free time because my wife's son gifted me the latest version with all the DLC. Anyway it just fuck and sucks. I'm doing Dawnguard for the first time and I have to help this stupid vampire whore and there's no dialogue options at the very least to question her motives or be wary of her or anything god i hate this game

>le generic greyish-blue viking world

yes people are already making them on youtube and shit

Elder Scrolls lore is great. The games however ignore it, and likely any show will as well.