It's over

it's over

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Lost my shit in a boating accident anyway

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Sorry mister atf agent. I lost all my guns in a boating accident.


not my problem

Alright, alright, alright

chances are its universal background checks and maybe some federal program supporting red flag laws at the state level.

guns are literally funko pops for small dicks

What will happen when this does nothing to reduce gun violence?

Are they raising the purchasing age to 21?
Zoomers are mentally ill so they shouldn’t be allowed to have anything but a padded room.

>collecting guns
>small dicks
>Consoomers that buy toys have bigger dicks


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Thank God I can still buy iron and a chemistry book

It's literally expanding background checks on 18-20 year olds and more money for mental health. They really should have moved the age requirement to 21. Fuck if I'll ever trust a teenager with a gun.

I can agree with this


>deal reached
>no actual law written, just random people saying maybe
It will fall apart as soon as someone writes a bill and everyone else starts packing it with pork.

But you'll trust them to enlist?

I can't fully disagree with this sentiment but don't you want to feel like you have a giant anaconda in your pants? You are literally arguing that guns are fun to shoot. Which they are.

Far more children die each year in swimming pools vs gun violence. No one needs a swimming pool. Swimming pools aren't protected by the constitution. No one is clamoring to ban swimming pools.

Everything I read says it doesn't even contain any gun control legislation. Just school security, red flag laws funding.

(they pass bills like years ago, such as red flag laws, but they never actually pass any funding for it, so when it fails, they can pass another bill to actually fund it, making it look like they're actually doing something politically significant).

Do you not understand how generation with

Is that why so many blacks own them?


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Someone recalibrate this bot

I don't trust teenagers period lol. If they want to die for Israel because they were fooled into doing it, by all means.

They’re called bullet sponges for a reason
>zoomer faggot kills children here
>for some reason you think the US is benevolent enough to the rest of the world to not export those zoomer faggots to kill their children instead

I agree, Goldman Sachs is a reputable company and would never let people down.

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Why do you want to promote legal infantilization?
Why the number 21? What happens at this age? Puberty cessated 5 years prior, there is no special brain development at this age. Why 21?

It’s lamp post o clock

>there is no special brain development after puberty

Joe Biden is going to take guns away from black America, just like he always wanted. Wait until the libs get this.

Life experience? At that age people are more likely to be independent and more in need of self defense? Frankly anyone living with their parents is not an adult

>passing senate being a big deal

Oh boy, new legislation! Our problems are all solved solved now because as everybody knows, if you make guns illegal, people will stop killing each other.

Like they did for thousands of years before guns were invented.

That statement would be correct, yes. The 25 thing is a myth. It's as real as the lochness monster and Bigfoot. You're confusing it with life experience.

And the 18-20 year olds who live on their own shouldn't own firearms?

Teenagers should be taught how to own and properly take care of guns by the time they're 16-18. You're just gonna have (even more) retarded 21 year olds now if this is the legislation you roll with it. Very midwit course of action.

user, scroll through TikTok and tell me you would trust any of those kids with a gun. 21 is arbitrary, I agree. The hope is that by that point you have a small inkling of real world experience. I'd make it 23.

Lol, just lmao

What's the problem? I'm sure all of you are already as old as the new age limit, who gives a shit about zoomers?

I wouldn't trust any of the emaciated numa numales in their 30s with a gun. I doubt zoomers are much worse, and even then, culture is the reason 16-21 year olds are the way they are today.

You've never read a brain development study in your life. You just look at headlines on Google and assume things because they sound sciency and smart. You like pop science, not actual in-depth research.

how tf is joining the military and using guns in that environment the same as being able to buy one at walmart?


At least you're not Canadian like me and you have your retard Prime Minister force new gun laws for literally no reason

How exactly does this have anything to do with television and film?

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>no nothing

Redditors like pop-science. You'd be mistaken.

It doesn't, it's just fun to hear conservatives think impressionable teenagers should have access to guns.

>49 replies
>33 posters
Think about it

>Got all mine more than 5 years ago
>Live in non registration state
I don't own any guns as far as anyone is concerned so I don't care.

Why should biological adults not have adult rights?

>implying legislation would ever stop yound adult shooters from doing what they do