Ninth Gate

>are you a...
Rich widow
Rich collector
Antique forger
Satanist cultist
>I just come to tell you I am better than you all

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he never says that

you made like 3 threads about this movie today

Ninth Gate? More like the ninth gay


The Nine Threads of the Kingdom of Shadows

For me, it's the ninth gate

Balkan told Liana she did it wrong
Corso found Balkan did it wrong

Chain of murder:
Balkan collected book for knowledge
The first guy dead collected book as property and fetish object
The two women collected the book as ritual medium
Balkan > Liana (the widow) > wheelchair woman > aristocrat

Only Balkan's attitude is correct but here is the trick:
Balkan lacked first hand experience with the books. Corso did his legworks and learned things you can't learn from the books.

That's why in the end Corso got true knowledge.

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So why he wantd 2 meetu satin?

I really liked this movie

I liked it when Balkan burned to death and Corso fucked Satan

Balkan also wanted the book to make medium. Both Balkan and the women were on the right track.

The problem with the two women is they both turned the medium ritual into an orgy party. They were distracted by sex.

Corso had sex but wasn't distracted.

Knowledge. The true value of books.

This movie would’ve been better if we saw Corso slowly come to embody all of the 7 deadly sins. It would’ve reinforced how Satan eventually seduced him and why the film’s plot matches with all the images in the book

Corso had sex, but with the right women. If those old bitches fucked the dragon lady, they'd be sitting beside Old Scratch right now.

please note that the blonde woman IS ACTUALLY SATAN IN DISGUISE.

when they are on the plane together, they distinctly show a rising, morning sun as they pan over her. Lucifer is also called the morning sun.

>7 deadly sins
I don't think that's where the movie should go though.
It's some kind of hard boiled detective story like Chinatown and the detective succeeded by keeping his principles

Corso learned the esoteric knowledge and was rewarded with sex and not-immolation

No she’s the Whore of Babylon. In the book we see her riding the beast into the gate, at the end of the film she rides Corso.

all women are whores (of babylon)

The whole point of Chinatown is that Jake failed and had to just walk away from the situation. His principles didn’t matter when faced with the cruelty of the world. It would’ve been cool if in the Ninth Gate we had a reverse situation where the character losing his piety to Satan led to him solving the mystery of the book

You're right that the movie is missing a lower descent into the shit from Corso's POV. He bludgeoned a guy with a shoe and put a burning man out of his misery. Not very metal.

Liana, the rich widow, failed because she hired men to do the job for her so she didn't have hands on experience.

The same reason that failed Balkan

What are some other films, such as this one, that defy explanation even after repeated viewings? Or invite themselves to many interpretations? I mean, I've seen this movie so many times since it came the fuck out way the fuck back in the late '90s, and I 'still' only have some loose grasp on the story that ties things together at the end. THE WAILING is just one I can think of right off the top of my head. Any others?

Jake failed because he didn't keep his head cool with Evelyn. He also lacked the insight to see through the distractions to see the truth.
Jake worked in most of the movie when it's not about Evelyn.
Where Jake failed was where Corso succeeded.

Burning. Another Korean movie that came out in 2018. It's deliberately made to have a fuckload of different interpretations, it's probably the most intricate film I've seen in years