
Attached: niggerban.png (1288x391, 113.54K)

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Attached: 1492975822671.png (720x921, 726.51K)

Canada is a great country in my opinion

Attached: 1643910739915.jpg (600x475, 21.64K)

P51 mustang is my favourite ww2 plane

Attached: 7472366271.jpg (2170x1471, 842.46K)

>there's a wiki for youtubers

Attached: 1628076352333.jpg (689x892, 315.37K)

Maple syrup hahah

Attached: 3413343217_6fb11f5e3b_b.jpg (1024x683, 172.41K)

Where's the user who posts cars?

Might read a book on ww2 dogfights got myself all excited

who let the nerd in?

Ever read the conquest of bread by Kroptkin?
much better than some f-in war stories


I'm not really into communist literature

*tips fedora*

*smacks fedora off your head*

Attached: TapetumLucidum.jpg (1920x1370, 399.44K)

What the fr*ck is Cocomelon

i hate women

Attached: 1644772512918.jpg (566x528, 36.62K)

Ayo das riiiite, thank you Ms silverstein

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i am a citizen of the american empire

what's up american ladies
i'm a german male 29 years old
if you wanna sex drop your skype
i'm always open to new friend too

My grandpa escaped communism, I will never forget.

why are femoids so prone to hysteria and panic over nothing

>slave markets sell hard working, muscular blacks and motherly women to plantation owners
>obese nogs were considered worthless
>this is the white mans fault

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always trying to improve my english
what's the diffrence betwen financials and finances?


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Everyone is
You can literally just re-iterate a lie and people will believe it
Its literally how contemporary society works, most of modern life is just smoke, mirrors and illusions

What is this specific art style called? It appears in all kinds of liberal progressive advertisements.

But w*men do it a lot more than men.
Don't deny it.

Attached: catt.jpg (634x634, 78.69K)


Women are extremely social animals
Thats why they are prone to it

Which country?
All I know is "finances" means how a person or institution manages or saves money and assets. I think "financials" refers to bank statements, but I'm not 100% sure

Globohomo art, also known technically as Alegria. There’s a Know Your Meme page entitled “Corporate Art Style,” but to me that seems too imprecise as a name


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It looks a lot like the Kersgesagt animations or whatever

it's based on android/iphone flat icons