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i like rain camo

>German does not have bullets
Russians still do not trust them

the german is on the right, that's a czech without the magazine in his rifle.

you were born in russia not USSR
you will never be soviet

How do Russians view the former warsaw pact countries? Are they seen as turncoats and traitors?

who cares what orcs "think"

they do, which is just morbid
imagine keeping a bunch of slaves on a leash, beating the shit out of them whenever they disobey you, and once they manage to escape calling them ungrateful traitors
ruskies live in their own schizo world

You have to admit that immediately joining nato was a massive dick move and provocative to russia

Dude who fucking cares, fuck russia.

>lil kids escape the bully and join a karate class
>ooh no the poor bully got provoked, such a dick move

Attached: CC239344-50EF-46B1-BD35-219F6C168DED.gif (300x222, 502.74K)

retard the flags aren't aligned with the soldiers
The German is on the far right
That one without a mag is czech

you can really feel the friendship

More like retard team.

How do you know which soldier belongs to which country

There's one extra flag.

From left to right
Polish, Russian, Czech, Bulgarian, Hungarian, German


It's the only thing that keeps our countries from becoming warzones again. If Russia feels offended about that, maybe they should stop making this a necessity.

AK variants and gear.

We were all trading weapons among ourselves. So there's no way to tell that based on weapons.

Also where was the Romanian, was he taking the picture? Or was he busy stealing their stuff at the barracks