An Ethnic White French family converted to Islam by choice

A bunch of Northern French (so the whitest you can find in France) with Children having blonde hair and blue eyes and white as snow decided to convert to Islam, speaking Arabic and everything

Attached: oopp.png (1021x533, 427.06K)

Ok and? Brownskins should keep their inferiority complex in check.

Christianity has been extirpated so something else must fill the void. Im surprised there are still legal christian holidays in france, doesnt sound laic at all

Ma she Allah. I hope they are still faithful

Good. Islam will save France unironically. White women will convert and start spamming 10 white kids

My best friend's mom has, in the roughly 7 years I've known her, been in relationships with 3 men, all of them either African or Muslim, and I think she converted to Islam a while ago


Attached: charles-martel-250.jpg (250x333, 22.97K)


Make Europe Muslim Again Inch Allah


Attached: 1519112834-dank-jerry-3-krankin.png (422x316, 102.03K)

We're all going to be doing this in 30 years to avoid getting Paty'd.

That would be funny. The jews own golem turning against them

They're Belgians, so it's understandable

What is it with nafris being incels? Just like the dutch flags every french flag is a nafri. You rarely see native french men.

Will they fight against Israel for Palestine?

because we make up 1/3 of the french population we're basically french and european

we're the future of europe you can't do much about it

The real non-meme answer is that chan culture is completely alien to French people and to the wider francosphere (even Quebec, despite the enormous American influence). Nafris in France are their own little cultural bubble that, in my opinion, is far more compatible with imageboard culture. This is why for example Anglo-Quebecers in my experience are more common on Any Forums than frog Quebecers, even though the latter are much more numerous.

As for the Dutch, I cannot say. I guess the ethnic Dutch are too busy tikkie-ing one another for 0.05€.

*the future of francophone shitholes

French have always been black Muslims, you can point to the brightest star or hand me the whitest sheet of paper but if you tell me it is French or a product of France it is Afro-Islamic. This is not a bad thing however I refuse to elaborate

Robux lol

What golem you pol retard
Youre the golems with lgbtqs in churches

Can't deny that, just take a 5 minutes walk outside in any French city, you'll feel exotic if you're white

American think we are the golem when you are the ones who suck their 24/7