What went wrong?

Attached: C9B61603-8838-4E60-AE10-0B00F91450BF.jpg (1600x1086, 493.94K)

They're finished products and no room for organic improvement

What would you prefer?

These threads are stupid each one of you would live in one of these

>350k plus tip

ugh low-density car-dependent urban planning

So that‘s why it looks like that?

Attached: 4F02ED05-192F-4B5D-A4BE-F683FC0509FE.jpg (974x1303, 539.22K)

looks like home

Attached: Wrocław suburbs.jpg (1300x836, 256.7K)

Looks good to me, Bauhaus as a non offensive building style for refugee housing.

Its germany, this is not car dependant.

No bike lanes and no train station in walking distance yeah that's a yikes from me dawg


No joke I was sure it was Breslau when I saw the thumbnail

Attached: 1609771830020.png (1902x889, 3.76M)

Im sure theres train station, it doesnt has to be next to your house

Attached: 1632560866870.jpg (1919x891, 370.74K)

never seen these
probably on the outskirts
t. wrocławiak

Uhh sweetie
Its Cologne-Widdersdorf

Attached: 978F8C61-3F36-4617-813F-5BCA112992ED.jpg (750x1073, 417.53K)

Germany is still a very car dependant country, even if they'd like you to believe otherwise

The fuck who can afford this



I'd pay even more just to live in beautiful Cologne I've heard so much about in history class...oh wait

Attached: screenshot-www.google.com-2022.08.17-00_59_24.jpg (1522x760, 840.05K)

Yes but its not type of home boomers wants to live, looks area where families live

Cologne is a shithole. Even Berlin has more pretty sights

Its called köln

Köln attracts rich people

i thought Ruhroids are poor and rough

4 square meter soviet commie block of course

If its in actual city of köln then ok... i assumed it was outskirt town

Köln isn't part of the Ruhrpott. They are rich and gay