What exactly was the tax policy here?

What exactly was the tax policy here?
How much did Robert Baratheon tax his subjects?
And how much sex did an average peasant have?

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>Gurm makes a very interesting and good point about fiction with his story
>autists nitpick the quote by taking it 1000000% literally and deconstructing it on an atomic scale

What game of thrones girl has the foulest-smelling, most frequent farts?

Don't throw stones in a glass house

Cersei probably
or Dany but specifically during 'sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning'

autistic retard

You're an idiot Karl

I feel bad for Tolkienfags being this triggered by a chance comment by GRRM

Why Cersei?

Because of her alcoholism

>gurm argues one of the most indepth and autistic works of fantasy ever isn't detailed enough
>writes game of thrones

Years of anal sex with Jamie in the earlier days of their incest, leaning on that as an excuse to make it okay before they became shameless enough to start doing pussy sex too

so she’s ripping absolutely horrid farts all the time because of the wine she’s chugging daily?

You know I agree with him but I didn’t get the economics of Asoiaf, I needed more info on the taxes and levies of the seven kingdoms, were there corvees? did the crown hold monopolies? etc.

yes, precisely

George was giving a very specific example when he said the "tax policy" thing, what he was trying to say was a story is worth telling when it's about the conflicts of charaters with themselves and others, their ideology and struggles
He was pointing out how Tolkien just doesn't use the possible potential to do something interesting with the consequences of this war this whole fucking books were about and instead it just ends

how does she deal with it?


>did the crown hold monopolies


>Arryn occupyinh canonicall Tully lands
>Tyrell occupying canon Lannister lands
Who the fuck made this map?

Realistically there should be a lot more linguistic diversity between the regions, at least on par with premodern Germany or Italy.

George said he was ever of that but it would have made the story near impossible to tell if he did that so he decided to not do it

>seven kingdoms
>map has nine

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there was, but three centuries of union eroded that

Iron islands are part of rivelands kingdom not independent
Westerlands are capital parts so not a kingdom

nine what?