¿Why are latinamericans so ungrateful to the saviors that released them from brutal rule from their overlords?

¿Why are latinamericans so ungrateful to the saviors that released them from brutal rule from their overlords?

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Aztec rule was kino AF
>bbut le hecking human sacrifices for the snake god
its SOVLful, better than the semitic deathcult

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Because you implemented a system that was in many cases as brutal and cruel as that of the previous kings, if not more.
You uprooted communities and moved them far beyond their homes so they could mine silver for you in conditions that would make yank plantation owners gag.
You created religious re-euducation camps that tried to avoid reeducating anybody to keep the free labor they grew cash crops with.
You prevented your entire empire from trading with each other or from developing industry, everything wash shipped to Spain.
The atrocities after the scramble for Africa can only be described as Spanish inspired.
Only the self hating anglos can delude themselves that the Spanish empire was any less racist, protectionist or exploitative then the colonial empires that followed it's example.

British imperialism was relatively benign compared to Spanish imperialism. It's amazing how blood thirsty the Spanish wish, they would do inhuman shit for gold.

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list_of_indian_famines_under_british_rule.xls (3.51gb)

>sacrificing thousands of people each day is the same as burning a couple of wenches every few months

The witches deserved it for being subversive whores and proto-feminists. The poor fags that lost their hearts didn't.

You do realize that the whom the Aztecs conquered were pretty much identical to them in every way and also practiced human sacrifice right? They didn't care, when the spaniards arrived in Tlaxcala they complained about not having access to salt and textiles, not muh sacrifice
The people who lost their hearts were mostly enemy soldiers who were more than ready to to the same thing if they won

>witches were proto-feminists
that's what feminists and nobody else thinks

Is there even any evidence that Tenochtitlan was a super advanced Rome-esque city besides beaner cope?

you wiped Australian aboriginals out and caused god knows how many famines in India and plundering Egypt archeologically not to mention American natives, Spain just went with there with their cocks and bibles

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>thousands of people each day
This illogical bullshit is only believed by Chicanos. Drop the proxy, mutt.

nigga read the whole thread, retards believe anything about aztecs without giving it a second thought

Reminder that witches also sacrificed humans and animals.

>super advanced Rome-esque city
No one believes that.

My point still stands.

Boohoo shut up YOURE BULGARIAN

This thread was also made by the Spaniard shitposter. How to identify the Spaniard shitposter who always makes abhorrent posts? Simple: He always starts a thread with an inverted question mark (¿) even when the question is in English, and the questions are either extremely stupid or to start flame wars. I'd advice to not respond to the Spaniard.