I am Torgo

I am Torgo.

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dee doo doo dee dee doo doo dee dee doo doo dee dee doo doo

School of Rock is his best movie

fun fact: he was on lsd all the time during the filming

>put the satyr boots on backwards
>nobody corrects the problem
Was this a preview of modern Hollywood?

>fertilizer salesman makes best worse movie of all time

I look after the house when the Master is away.


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What the fuck was his problem?

I feel real bad for the actor, sounded like he really needed help

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imagine my surprise reading that the actor who played torgo was tripping balls on LSD during his epic performance
and then he an heroed
RIP space cowboy

for me
it is she

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the way to a woman's heart isn't fondling her hair awkwardly?

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So you take care of the place while the Master is away?

It's no surprise that her husband in the film is played by the director.

why would anyone cast their lovely wife to get fondled by a torgo?


and then he an heroed

On the bright side, he didn't have the chance to watch the movie

It had a certain Texas chain saw massacre vibe about it
But it’s not very good and has a lot of boring stretches in it.
>this isn’t a hotel you can’t stay here
>okay torgo grab the bags and we are going to spend the night
What the fuck? Torgo tells them they can’t spend the night and nothing about the place makes it look like a hotel

the master had plans for them
the master liked them

Even with MST this movie is a slog.