Post questionable special effects

Post questionable special effects.

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this is based. crudely 3d rendered hellscapes are my favorite

new 'jak?

spawn was beyond questionable even in its day

I remember thinking as a kid that they wouldn't even use this in a video game back then

can't believe nicol williamson appeared in this garbage.

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Attached: 1636238694589.webm (900x375, 2.81M)

The crude render makes it even more hellish and uncanny desu

Attached: Last Resort real location shooting.webm (1100x620, 2.99M)

I don't care about shitty CGI, but how Sam Jackson runs is hilarious.

Cool it with the racism there, user.


based violator

its a superhero film, it's fine.

Now the dance seen in Matrix Reloaded though...

>I am definitely not jogging on a greenscreen looking at nothing

This is kino.

the story behind it is ridiculous though, and just goes to show how incompetent Hollywood can be sometimes
>"we don't like that you had the devil speak to Spawn as a voice in a dark room (which admittedly is kinda lame), we demand that you put together a big 3D CGI representation instead!"
>"b-but the movie comes out in a month and we used all the budget already!"
>gets CGI that was outdated 3 years earlier for the devil, uses B-roll test footage of a guy in the Spawn costume dancing like a retard to stress test it for action scenes and then just copies and pastes it 100 times to populate the scene

Rob Bottin during the Thing was so self concious of his creations he would keep telling the production crew to reduce the lighting. The production crew would joke Rob was making these fantastic creations but wanted no light to show them. Still they attempt to cast them in as low a light as possible with novel techniques.

Do modern CGI artists have no humility? Or do they have no creative say in productions? The ubiquity of CGI in movies is just another sign of the media dying in the shadow of the video game market.

The 1999 film Kolobos would like a word

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spawn was insanely based

every faggy capeshit incel movie that came out since 2010

looks like he had a bottle of some pf chang sweet chili sauce in his plate carrier

Fucking kek