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>18 year old
>"on the run"

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fuck these stupid attentionwhoring Indian cunts

He groomed her since age 12

a tranny is insane
crazy shit who would have known

so? should have done something about it when she was an actual kid

Ezra wouldn’t do something like this. The parents are the problem and dangerous. Keep that kid away from the parents

>Omg is that an actor who knew someone before they were 18

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why didn’t they stop it at 12 then?

he's jewish, american, a rich hollywood actor and a tranny
probably the most vile specimen on the planet

Good point. Ezra does a ton of a charity work and philanthropy. His films entertain people from all over the world.

I mean they are trying to control their adult daughter so they do sound like cunts.

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The charity work is how he started grooming the child. Are you pro lgbtq or something? You seem really weird

How is meeting someone once and then never seeing them again for 6 years grooming?

I think we all have to choose the paths we take and Ezra takes the correct paths.

>tribal court
Wipe my ass with their summons lmao their laws don't apply to non-natives.

oh shit, I know Chase

Is this true?
I assume their order against Miller is probably in tribal court too


So what happens when they catch him? Will the natives scalp him? Cover him in honey and let the ants go to town on his ass?

What's wrong with being weird? Are you a normalfag or something?

oh no, ezra wont be alble to enter fucking badlands territory with drunk native if he loses this one wtf ezrabros he's screwed!

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I mean, at least the injuns have more balls than the hawaians, they just let the gender freak assault women all over the island.

They don't do that anymore. They will probably burn his feet and let him go

inb4 acquitted by a kike judge

Why did these parents let their 12 year old daughter interact with an adult for years?

Kikes have no power on reservations

because Ezra was giving them money probably
I hate Ezra but these parents seem like scum too

Dont tell me its another publicity stunt for a movie

They groomed her to be their little native american Greta, probably didn't realise what they were selling her into.

>Your hooked beak and silly hat are no match for my hooked beak and frilly jean jacket!

heh, more like Poke-a-hot-ass amirite?


Would be funny if true. But then the jews would make tons of propagandas to extinct the natives from the planet

This only makes sense if the daughter is actually a gay little twink boy in drag. Post the "daughter".