Can you just post some funny stand-up comedians? I want to develop my sense of humor...

Can you just post some funny stand-up comedians? I want to develop my sense of humor, but when I try to find something on the subject, most of the time it's total crap.

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cursed vagina


watching stand up won't develop your sense of humor

Mmm snussy

Snake mouth pussy! Erotic!

start with the early shit from Louis CK and then watch George Carlin

if I put my dick in there, will it die?

You can't develop a sense of humor past like 12 years old. People develop a sense of humor because they're looking for attention. That's why women aren't funny, they don't need to compete for attention.

Stand up is an antiquated and stale artform that has been co-opted by opportunistic narcissists who care more about selling themselves and pushing their brand then the do actually crafting a half decent joke. You cannot find any good stand up because there is no longer any good stand up to be found, full stop.

Why listen to some unfunny fag tell made up, very calculated story about a weird encounter with a crazy person they had on the subway when there are 1000's of people posting genuine, real videos of weird encounters with crazy people on the subway every day?

The only people watching standup these days are literal midwits who need to have "what is funny" spoonfed to them by a wannabe podcaster LARPing as a famous celebrity.

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It will be extremely painful.

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This man also has no sense of humor. Notice how he's lashing out at it. Don't be like him OP.

Don't listen to him OP. By studying real life instead of eating shit, I'm funnier than he'll ever be. Be like me. 51:36
This guy is a genius. He deconstructed stand up comedy in a minute flat. After his set, he left the club to go walk around the mall, but then when the show ended he went back to the club, stood at the door, and shook people's hands as they left. He's as modern Andy Kaufman.

Randy Feltface.
Altough he is a bit preachy.

Shane Gillis. Also his podcast with Matt

so true... and you didn't even mention how scummy the world of comedy has been for a long time now. bunch of boston douchebags complaining about how their ex-wife doesn't want 'em doing lines of coke in front of their daughter. just a lot of mean, dirty, degenerate stuff. bill hicks knew how to make that work but this new crop sure don't
mark normand is one of the better stand up comics these days. like many said its kind of a dead art form, replaced with shitty podcasts and social media presence. this is not happening is a good way to find comedians you might like without having to listen to their set

emo philips

>you now realize there was no snake in Eden
>it was the temptation of Eve's pussy

somebody, at some point in history, has to have tried de-fanging these things and using it as a cock sleeve