It's up

Attached: kurzgesagt.png (316x316, 32.24K)

I fr*ggin love SCIENCE!!

Attached: 16730 - arm clothes glasses hand holding_object i_fucking_love_science irl joe_rogan open_mouth phone science soyjak soyjak_holding_phone stubble text tshirt twitter variant-markiplier_soyjak.jpg (1280x720, 166.43K)

most boring channel on youtube

stop shilling your youtube channel here

Reddit in a nutshell

>Don't recommend videos from this channel

Attached: suit frog.jpg (1000x1024, 80.28K)

'gesagt in the log

fuck off Germany you won't shut down my nuclear reactors

i dont think anyone in europe cares about brownentinian nuclear power THOUGH

No One:
Literally No One:
Not Even Thanos:
>it's up

I was going to explain why I wrote that but I won't bother since talking to a Polack is like talking to a dog, funny but ultimately useless

why do you think any of us care about this shit

tf tp

Hello, haha i don't want to advertise my channel but it's really hard these days. I make minecraft gameplay but they are really fun to watch, hope you will come by and leave a comment

I cried bros. Now I regain my hope for humanity futures.

No One:
Literally No One:
Not Even Thanos:
French guy:
>Hello, haha i don't want to advertise my channel but it's really hard these days. I make minecraft gameplay but they are really fun to watch, hope you will come by and leave a comment

No one:
Finlandic civilization pre1950:

A good shake around would be beneficial right now to end the the global terrorism preventing societies from living honest self-reliant lives. Instead the world government plans for "orderly migration" and everybody must deal with climate refugees and kebab shops eventually.
It's all going to collapse, as it will be for the better.

Le finlandais l'air de dire : hé ho j'existe
J'ai pas raison l'équipe ?

Thanks Germs I love(d) this channel unironically

>Getting so butthurt by a Finn (a FINN) he even fails at quoting.

Why are French like this?

Attached: 1656598648384.jpg (670x1000, 68.11K)

no, it sucks

we are having fun making paste from youtube comment what are you on ? And how did i failed quoting him, it was not my intention to do so

anons : having fun

Omg wow new kurzgesagt! I heckin love science

Attached: Bonmommy.png (1668x2388, 2.56M)


Shiet I was just going to post it

chouine + pleure + boude + hurle + crie + jacasse + beugle + hulule + chuchote + murmure + ronfle + rugis + siffle + souffle + ronronne + caquette + renifle + zozote + roucoule + chiale + couine + aboie + miaule