Sex bad

>sex bad
>music bad
>fun bad
whoa, what a powerful message

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It's a thriller, it has no messages, it plays on plot twists and atmosphere.
Also the celtic paganism practiced on Summerisle is completely wrong; celts never made human sacrifices and never killed people by burning them into human-shaped wicker cages, it was an invention of Julius Caesar to defamate the druidic religion, no other contemporary hystorian ever reported such custom, but this lie was spreaded again during the christianization of Europe that came with the middle age; Nuada wasn't the god of sun, he was a king of the danan people, danan were magic in nature but never considered gods.

I think I'll trust Julius Caesar over some modern faggot """historian"""

More like
>sex good
>music good
>fun good
>desert morality bad

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>It's a thriller, it has no messages
This. OP is a retard and probably American

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Julius Caesar had absolutely no interest in defaming the practices of Druids, they were a significant portion and the most powerful players of the Gaulish aristocracy. He needed and used their support to conquer the country, and gave them massive political kickbacks in the form of opening up the cursus honorum and thus senate seats to Romanized Gauls from northern Italy, the first time ethnic non-Latins had been given the opportunity.
Also he doesn't even condemn the human sacrifice much, he just says that the Gauls are given to the superstition that the gods can not be appeased on serious matters without a human sacrifice.

It's supposed to be an ironic commentary on the catholic church and British repression because they have essentially erased sex, music and fun.

You have an angry shouty virgin with all his neuroses walking around what is essentially paradise and talking to placid, content and free people and all he can say is "but, but what about GOD!?".

But ultimately it concludes that any system of beliefs held too strongly can be used to justify acts of cruelty. This is as true for Catholicism as any religion.

The message is literally just that scots are bumbling invasive retards
>inb4 “they don’t say hes scottish”
Yes they do, he’s from Scotland Yard.

Best bond girl

>Also in the 1st century BC, Greek historian Diodorus Siculus wrote in Bibliotheca historica that the Celts sacrificed human and animal captives by burning them on huge pyres along with the first fruits.[9]
>In the 1st century AD, Roman writer Lucan mentioned human sacrifices to the Gaulish gods Esus, Toutatis and Taranis. In a commentary on Lucan—the Commenta Bernensia dating from the 4th century and later—an unnamed author added that sacrifices to Taranis were burned in a wooden container.[10][11]
Were they all lying user?

i mean, the end is a win win situation for both parties. Main character would go to heaven as a martyr and the island would have a good harvest. I mean, if things they believe in actually exist

It is a double in that scene.

The message is men hate women. They sacrifice a man to their God to keep their island perfect. And also that women are crazy underneath.

I thought Howe was a presbyterian Kirknigger, arguably much worse than a catholic.

>celts never made human sacrifices
>Earlier excavations at Gordion recovered coins of the sort used to pay Celtic mercenaries, a few artifacts with parallels in Celtic Europe (a helmet flap, sheep shears, and pin), and a sherd inscribed with a clearly Celtic name, Kant[x]uix. Nevertheless, the archaeological evidence for a large Galatian presence at the site was not overwhelming until our discovery of grisly evidence of rituals involving humans. The broken-necked bodies and decapitated heads at Gordion cannot be attributed to any local Anatolian group, but are characteristic of European Celts.
>It is clear that several of the people whose remains we found in area A died violently, with strangulation the most common cause of death, whether by hanging or garotting. All of these people were presumably "sacrificed," but we cannot determine the exact circumstances. One possibility is that they were killed as part of Celtic divination rituals. Greco-Roman sources report that the Celtic religious leaders, or Druids, were prophets who killed humans in order to discern the future as revealed by the dying victims' movements.
>Our view of Galatian Gordion has changed considerably over the past few decades. The picture of a simple farming community has been replaced by one of a prosperous town. But when the Galatians settled permanently in central Anatolia, they did not simply shed their old ways and adopt those of the native peoples (presumably Hellenized Phrygians in the case of Gordion), as our discoveries of sacrificial ritual involving humans as well as animals have shown.

>Diodorus Siculus

>Despite the fact that their wives are very beautifal, the Celts have very
little to do with them, but instead abandon themselves to a strange passion
for other men. They usually sleep on the ground on skins of wild animals and
tumble about with a bedfellow on either side. And what is strangest of all
is that, without any thought for a natural sense of modesty, they carelessly
surrender their virginity to other man. Far from finding anything shameful
in all this, they feel insulted if anyone refuses the favours they offer.


It sounds like he stumbled on some gaulish glory hole style gay meetup in the woods and then was like "WHY DOES EVERY GAUL DO THIS?"
He'd fit right in around here.

>Diodorus Siculus
The gauls merely adopted gayness.

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Actually I think you're right. It's been a while

>any system of beliefs
Nigger they were just outright murdering each other whenever they wanted pre-religion and paganism. It has nothing to do with it. If anything religion at least constrains it and provides concepts of morality savage tribes just jumped over. This is such an anti-theist meme. Reminder that the Spanish and Roman Inquisitions literally killed not even 10,000 people over 300+ years and across tens of millions of people. Muh whole 'religion bad' meme is that, a meme by enlightenment thinkers, other religions, and merchants wanting to subvert national laws.

>nooo why can't I have sex with anyone all the time. They're heckin killing all the funerino!

Nigger you literally always could, just because women were educated to the point of not wanting to do so doesn't mean there were social checks and balances.

Sounds like he would've frequented some raid discord if he were alive today.

I guess all those hanged celtic people deposited in bogs right next to all the other ceremonial offerings of celtic goods are just a coincidence

At least post the title, no one knows what that shit is

Zoom zoom

>wife's favorite movie is Wicker Man
>revels in Howie's death
>have to constantly remind her that he's a good man living steadfast by his morals and god unto the bitter end

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