Obi-Wan is the worst thing I've watched since The Last Jedi

Obi-Wan is the worst thing I've watched since The Last Jedi.

How did these episodes and plot get approved? How does it have even fans? I am so confused.

Why can't that black girl act? Why does she have to be obnoxious and annoying, and always make stupid faces. I swear people have no idea how to write black characters that aren't fucking annoying.

Why couldn't 3 grown ass men catch Leia as she ran away from them, why couldn't Obi-wan catch her, it because he's so old, even though it's been like a whole 10 years.

Why didn't any of the guards notice Obi-wan (a disheveled old man), clearly had something inside his coat that was the size of a child walking with him.

Why didn't the Stormtroopers or Darth Vader just walk around that tiny pool of fire that rebel spy made when she shot that container thing, instead they stood there while a slow ass robot dragged him away, when it would have taken a whole 3 seconds to walk around it.

Why are the bad guys all such comical jokes that pose almost zero threat at all times? I wish I could exclude Darth Vader but refer to my previous paragraph.

Real talk, how much worse is it going to get in the next two episodes?

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RLMcucks get what they deserve

I'm starting to wonder if I should watch it out of morbid curiosity.

The great thing about movies is the good ones never stop existing, so whenever you are tempted to watch shit wars, just watch actual star wars and have a good time

Im rich evans ama

Our standards are too high, unironically. Quality control from these companies is in the absolute gutter.

You could literally kill Obi-wan in the first episode, make the whole thing about kid Leia and the black woman and there would be people lapping it up.

Here's a real question: why do you keep watching Disney Wars?

But one generally needs to see something new for themselves as properly articulated criticism will mostly necessitate spoilers, as in this example. Therefore it is justifiable to bitch after giving something a chance, no matter whether the person bitching will let it persist in their mind after the freshness of the insult to them wears off. This is hot off the heels of Mandalorian being actually kinda okay, for fucks sake. This is fair disappointment.

>How did these episodes and plot get approved?

What you have been seeing since the Obama admin is literally the nu-Marxist influence that dominates degenerate Hollywood. Just as the communists replaced people that actually knew what the fuck they were doing due to not being down with communism, the entertainment industry is not hiring people that have actual talent, but instead they are hiring people based on their ethnic, gender, sexualtiy, regardless if they have talent. All the artists have been replaced by activists, and they're only concern is using platforms to push their leftist identity politics and Marxist beliefs.

Everything you once valued being made today is activist garbage, so don't even waste your time.

The review videos that shit all over it are far more entertaining. I'd recommend just doing that and saving yourself time and misery.

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Fool me once...

>This is hot off the heels of Mandalorian being actually kinda okay, for fucks sake
Please try to keep up.

>Vader couldn't put out the fire he just put out not even ten seconds ago
I laughed out loud. Were they given 20min to edit or what?

He realized obi wan wasnt alone and played it cool so he could capture the entire underground

My boss who has no taste is loving this shit. He even bought a lego x wing tie fighter diorama thing to celebrate

Broken clocks and all that, man. Doesn't change the principle. Producing an intact corn kernel inside a mountain of diarrhoea is no achievement nor reason to expect dinner.

For his kids right?

>no achievement nor reason to expect dinner
Again, please try to keep up.
>Therefore it is justifiable to bitch after giving something a chance
>a chance

Mate, Disney THE epitome of capitalism gone amuck. The show you're seeing is the result of them spending the least amount possible to get the highest profit, padded by misleading hype and abusing nostalgia for marketing.

Imagine watching anything star wars related in 2022.

There is no insult too great for the starwars nerd. There is no defilement of their universe that will dissuade them from their pathetic escapism. Observe, the pathetic starwars nerd.

um no sweety its because karl the marx is haunting hollywood