Am i supposed to feel sorry this monster that ate innocent people?

Am i supposed to feel sorry this monster that ate innocent people?

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But fanning said he was just hungry. And this makes it ok? Because……

Because it wasnt any of the main cast, so we shouldnt care about them.


Did you even watch the movie? They find all the towns people unconscious upside down in the tunnels. I don't think even a soldier dies in that movie lmao

The monster literally chews on a guys severed leg. It also kills all the army personnel on the bus.

The movie focuses on a shot where alien chews on a naked human leg and he kills the guy that works at the gas station probably ripped him to shreds. R u blind

Guess it's just the townspeople then, they're all at the end in the tunnels when he finds his friend

Super 8

No retard, most of the townspeople got evacuated. Some unlucky bastards were kidnapped and were going to be lunch. But we’re supposed to sympathize with the alien in the finale because………..we even hear him chewing on the leg how did u miss that?

Stranger Things did this way better. Eleven kills people but only because they are trying to hurt her and she has no control of her powers or they are threatening her friends. This alien is an intelligent life form that understands humans through a psychic connection but still chooses to eat them. It could have found cows to munch on but it didnt.

just misremembered, I thought they went all teen scifi and mostly just remember the ending where they find all the people in the tunnels

Imagine if the Thing suddenly got sappy and told Kurt Russell im only trying to get home... Sorry for murdering people. That is this movie.

I hope you’re 10 years old.

To be fair, you were ambivalent about the aliens in Close Encounters because they abducted a kid but at least he was returned at the end of the movie.

you want to actually create a smart post for once and tell us what the fuck this is, what media it's from, etc? no? OP is always a faggot

Yes because he was tortured. Black guy even said the alien grew to hate humans. But does this justify the alien torturing and eating innocent people? I was rooting for the military to nuke his spaceship in the ending. Alien didn’t learn his lesson.

Imagine if the monster had brown eyes.

>sir we have to make our human-eating monster likeable somehow!

>Yes because he was tortured. Black guy even said the alien grew to hate humans

Why did he form a psychic connection with them if he hated them? Even his victims in the tunnels knew he was tortured hungry as if the alien was telling them "sorry but your my next meal, blame the army".

> Why did he form a psychic connection with them if he hated them?
He probably mind controlled the black guy to cause the train accident

>I was rooting for the military to nuke his spaceship in the ending.

I would have laughed my ass off if it started blasting away at the town and he had called in reinforcements from his home planet. Isnt there a movie or tv episode where they think they found ET but its actually the start of an invasion and the kids fucked up by saving it?