I'm debating starting the SSRI again, bros. Do you take antidepressants in your country?

I'm debating starting the SSRI again, bros. Do you take antidepressants in your country?

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someone post that webm

Why do you need such medication, when it is literally impossible to suffer in the United States of America?

I'm debating starting the USSR again, bros

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don't do it. i quit like 4 years ago and still have brain fog

80% of the worlds psychiatric drugs are prescribed to Americans. Meanwhile, in Canada, psychiatrist now prescribe patient's time off of work to go visit National Parks and be in nature. It's proving to be better at treating mental health issues. Almost like touching grass, getting exercise, turning off the news and social media are all better than any drug you can take.

not to gatekeep psych medication but SSRI really is the absolute mildest antidepressant there is, it's really not a huge deal

I first read this as SSSR, disappointed

do not take the meds
they drugs to fuck up your chemical balance

>Almost like touching grass, getting exercise, turning off the news and social media are all better than any drug you can take.
retarded normie take, good luck treating bipolar disorder with touching grass.

n*rmies live shit lives and subsequently feel bad, then they try to hop on medication instead of fixing their habits.
then they preach that you le actually don't need medication because they didn't. yeah no shit because they weren't sick in the first place.

based this time its international

why, depression or OCD?

but op is talking about depression, dumb sven

OCD, GAD, dysthymia

I took one dose just to see what would happen and chickened out of taking the second dose, thinking:

- i don't want to rely on a pill
- i don't need it
- side effects aren't worth it
- being normal is lame anyway
- once your body is dependent on it, tapering off is impossible
- i'll need to take it for life so what's the point

but I think I may need to try it after all

That’s one way to completely fuck up your brain forever. I’m diagnosed bipolar and they wanted to put me on lithium which is a treatment FOR LIFE. I said no thank you.

post the webm of you killing freya

bipolars don't get depressed?
you're a retard

He’s more talking about situational depression (not clinical). I’m bipolar but it’s mild and I can manage it without stabilisers. This is of course not the case for everyone. Bipolar and clinical depression are imbalances in brain chemistry. Situational or seasonal depression isn’t yet in the west shrinks throw buckets of meds at any kind of depression. There’s very clearly a trend of prescribing and drugging people as much as possible.

>bipolars don't get depressed?

The last thing you should give someone with BP is antidepressants.

why are you talking about being bipolar?

i refuse
i will never start

Because he has no clue what he’s talking about.

Psychologists and psychiatrists world wide agree that SSRIs are a last-last measure for any mental health issue. The new (literally American) fad of going right to a drug treatment is also SUPER controversial since entities, like the US government, have studies linking SSRI usage to higher violent crime rates (especially mass violence, like shootings, and suicide). Most doctors will flat out refuse SSRIs as an option for their patients because the debate is so heated about the safety of these drugs.

This is all excluding the fact SSRI manufacturers state that the drug is only correctly used when paired with a healthy diet, exercise, and a therapy program. But most people ignore those parts entirely.