Embarrassing roles

post some of the most undignified roles you've seen reputable actors in

Attached: Alice Eve - Sex and the City 2 - Boob Bounce ENHANCED.webm (270x540, 2.84M)

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Gary Oldman in Tiptoes
Keanu Reeves in that one "Nooo dont suck my cock" movie

Best vocaroo since the spotemgottem one

Explain what is so undignified here

>alice eve

OP is a Yank Puritan. He thinks women should wear a burkha.


r e n t
f r e e


Attached: al-paccino-dunkaccino.jpg (1920x1080, 427.83K)

This was extremely dignified

Alice Eve is fully aware of what she is

>Keanu Reeves in that one "Nooo dont suck my cock" movie
that was great though

Breasts are dramatic art

What movie is this?

>not ze nipples
>women showing their nipples destroys their purity and dignity

Knock Knock

She got her nipples suck on by Ray Liotta for a film. I'm pretty sure being asked to make her tits jiggle didn't even register on her embarrassment scale.

Amy Adams in Psycho Beach Party (2000)


Attached: deniro_6gagONC.jpg (620x407, 46.58K)

Both Renee Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey tried to stop this movie from getting released theatrically. It had a limited release in 1995 before they became stars. The studio then re-edited the movie and released it under a different name, but playing up the actors involvement after they had both become big names in 1997.

Attached: MV5BYTE3MzM4NzQtZWZjMi00MmI5LWE0NGItNDZlNmJhMjQyMTQ1L2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjQ2MjQ5NzM@._V1_[1].jpg (1968x2946, 943.75K)

>bong calling anyone else a burka lover

This. All Muslims are fags.