Wasn't she a bit young to be performing a song like that?

Wasn't she a bit young to be performing a song like that?

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Look, buddy, I really don't care about your question. I'm here just to stare at that girl.

Children's paegants have historically been like that.

God I wanna blast my neutrons all over her star (if you know what I mean)

No. Elaborate.

You're going to have to explain and post more pictures of her to help me understand

Didn't britney spears' mom used to force her to go to pageants? It was probably a reference to that

That's the point. It's supposed to show that as shitty as the supes are, most people are just as shitty and we're lucky they don't all have powers too.

Here you go

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Shocker that a Seth rogen directed show has a barely double digit age girl doing sexy moves. God I fucking hate Jews dudes can we please start the genocide soon? I’m getting REEEEAAAAL tired of sitting on the sidelines.

NB4 do it yourself fedposts

>Wasn't she a bit young to be performing a song like that?
Have you never watched a Britney Spears music video before? The one that put her on the map was her singing about not being innocent while she was dressed up in a schoolgirl outfit.

They've pimped out children forever. Just look at the fucking Disney channel.

WTF this real?

I don't remember. What song, my niggerfaggot buck that needs to be broken?

You're clearly not familiar with American child pageants

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>it's okay that we have sexy women because we're criticizing sexy women
The hypocrisy annoys me


shouldn't have lost the weight. she looked way cuter before.

I wish I was that chair

do white women really

Was there a new episode or something?

Mutts are weird like that. It's perfectly fine to doll up toddlers and force them to perform for paedos, but don't you dare look at a hot 14 year old.

Seth Rogen isn't a writer or director lol

In english, Doc.

What doyes that chair smell like?

Now imagine seeing her like that in person

I know who can help her. We need to contact... The Architect.