A ghost story


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didn't see it

didn't see it

At least it tried something different

it was okay

I skipped around it. The part where the pioneers are attacked by Indians and the little girl's body rots into a skeleton was pretty cool.

Very sad story. Very good film.

Fantastic kino.
Could have used some scenes of the wife furiously masturbating the pain away though

Too spooky


>You hear that bro??

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Jack Osbourne:
Yup there's a portal here

it’s a mindfuck and i avoid movies that put you into a deep depression

that part where the guy at the party just goes on on a rant was a little heavy handed, but otherwise pretty good flick.

I love Rooney Mara and want to live in a three-way marriage with her sister Kate

The pie scene was fucking disgusting.
Imagine if the Roon kept eating tho haha

I thought it was a cute in a very sad sort of way. Something a hipster girl would have gushed over in 2010. I liked it.

This. Imagine if you asked for a piece and she was so crazed she just opened her mouth and offered her chewed up pie

i cried

Imagine Roo sis just your little fuck toy and its unspoken but thats what she is and she just relents to your cheesy affleck beard

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just watch Mulholland Drive then

never seen it but now.. maybe I will

It wasn't disgusting, just self indulgent and annoying. It's no surprise that the faggot behind this movie is the same basedboy who made the Poo Knight.

t. 12 year olds that never binge ate during deep depression

It's not about that, it's about not wasting five minutes of your 90 minute long movie showing that