Film is crap...

>film is crap, but feels like a masterpiece compared to modern cinema because it has actual production design with costumes, props, sets and stunts
Post em

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Even crap felt authentic then


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Last Action Hero has only gotten better with age

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I love this movie. Are there people who don't?

Last Action Hero is just a genuine masterpiece. Not applicable to this thread.

this stupid movie caused my TF fetish

It was a huge flop at release. It was Arnold's follow up to Terminator 2 and it released a week after Jurassic Park. The Simpsons made made a joke about it:

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>>film is crap, but feels like a masterpiece compared to modern cinema because it has actual production design with costumes, props, sets and stunts

Everything changed after the OregonTrail was digitized

Lots of movies from the 80s. There was this movie with a plot similar to Monste Inc., with I think Fred Savage. I catched it on tv some time ago and I was amazed by the sets, costumes and all this stuff.
It looked so much better than the stupid CGI shit we have today.

It was ahead of it's time

It's Little Monsters (1989).

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Masters of the Universe

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Christ, I rewatched The Flintstones a few nights ago. I wouldn't call it good, but the level of detail in the costuming and set design truly does look alien by todays standards. It's still a crap movie but god, they pulled out all the stops with the visuals.

This movie has some genuinely good scenes that would have greatly improved the movie.
According to John McTiernan, the movie was never even properly edited. It was released in theaters only 5 weeks after they had finished filming.

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