
The people have spoken.

Attached: jfkvtcc.jpg (720x783, 125.58K)

JP>TLW>JW>Dominion>JP3>Fallen Kingdom

the people are stupid, t-rex was a chicken

Same score as Space Jam 2.

The one time I agree with the RT critics on this.

>people are stupid, more at 11

i seriously can't believe people enjoyed that, another film that is plain fanservice and boring plot and I'm saying that as a Jurassic Park fan, so I was already expecting a bad movie with cool dinosaurs

Rotten Tomatoes audiences scores are rigged.

After Captain Marvel, RT made it so you had to have verification for any movie in theaters review. Thus, studios can pay/encourage shills/die-fans to praise their garbage (Disney paid a hundred people to attend a Solo screening. They have the money).

Most big blockbuster movies have at least 70%+ scores because of this. With only a few exceptions where the studio didn’t want to pay for good audience scores.

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Jurassic World 1 and 2 were complete garbage so this one must really be shit, goodness.

SeeYou can’t trust RT audience scores.

>The people have spoken.
and it was incoherent gibberish
because they're tards

80 percent is low

OP is stupid. RT changed the rules on theatrical films after Captain Marvel. Now only "verified" users can add reviews. By just blindly trusting the RT audience to stay ahead of Hollywood trickery he's more under their influence than ever before

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umm sorry chud but anything below 90 is a critical failure and a bad movie

It was merely ok and nothing more.

>mfw watching this movie

This and also review bombing is an actual phenomenon. A bunch of fucking losers wait for movies to come out just so they can instantly give it positive reviews. Happened with Rise of Skywalker

>only "verified" users can add reviews
the score drops by 6% when you select all audience instead of verified audience
top critics drops it by 10%

Attached: top-critics-mad.png (1438x574, 94.42K)

Before I see this film, does it explain why maybe not even the US military, but militaries in general don't fucking solve the entire issue with dinosaurs almost instantly with radars and machine guns and armored vehicles?