The Fifth Element

Everyone who says that "Citizen Kane" is the greatest movie is just plain fucking wrong.

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>uh, hi...

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I liked it.
but there is no greatest movie thing.
that shit is subjective.

It's definitely one of, if not my favorite movie.

is cool
haven't seen anything like this besides the incal tho thats a comic i guess


Me and my mother agree. Thanks for picking family movie night for us user.

This is the eurobeat of movies, funny because of how cheesy it is, it knows it and doesn't try pretend to be anything more than that.

>the hero and the villain never meet
Any movies like that?

Fifth Element and Arthur & the Minimoys are just plain fun to watch

This movie has been in my top 5 movies list for over 20 years.

Gris rock gotta ruin it


only Besson films i've seen are Leon and Arthur. What are the others worth checking out?


he never lived this shit down. even though his character was slaying pussy, black people on the whole were too stupid to look past surface level.

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feel the same way bro

this movie was absolutely CARRIED by its costume design.

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>carried by Willis and hot chick

This movie went from being semi-underrated to now being overrated as fuck.