Spaniard makes the country grow like you never imagined, French Bourbon sinks it with not survivors

Spaniard makes the country grow like you never imagined, French Bourbon sinks it with not survivors

nobody wanted this french faggot back to here

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never realized franco was such a manlet

The one time Franco actually tried to run the country in the 40s and the 50s he caused one of the worst famines in recent European history and then a prolonged economic crisis, from which Spain only recovered once paquito surrendered to big daddy USA and the globohomo.

>from which Spain only recovered once paquito surrendered to big daddy USA and the globohomo.
Yeah no, he handed the economy over to Opus Dei technocrats, turns out letting professionals do their job instead of appointing yes-man works, maybe your nation should try that once.

GER is successful only because it was conquered and run by the USA. You are a slave nation to your masters.

Plus we have nuclear centrals because 10 nuclear bombs from the US fell in spain during an accident (yes, that really happened) and the US gave Franco the means to create nuclear centrals in exchange of not copying their bombs.

Lmao cope we were already Number One in continental Europe before WW1 and kicked in Frances teeth so hard during our unification that they seethed for decades.
You mongrels were only good for your missile systems

>before WW1

>nuclear centrals

Try to totally free yourselves from US influence and troops - see how fast the US makes up a reason to stay.

Yes and aour ecnomic boom already happened in the 50s, Germanys succes is because of Germans not because of you who consist of the low class trash that failed to make it in the Old world.

it's ok english is my second language too

The US is a paper tiger, just 2 dead Negros and you have riots all over you shithole, you are in no position to be hawkish anymore. Your nation has a fifth collumn being 40% of your population.

Meanwhile we’re so damn low we wish we could have the Carlist guy, he’d probably be the best head of state in 50 years.

De Gaulle though offered to help the Orleans, who are completely degenerate and never stood a chance to be accepted by the French.

Opus Dei is mostly a bunch of prayer obsess religious weirdos who seem to think working hard is some equivalent to self flagellation and a good thing.

They’re not an equivalent to Freemasonry, at least not in Europe. You’ve read too much Dan Brown.

I’ve read at least one hasn’t been found, near the coast in the sea of Alboran.

You were already a civil war shithole by the time of the Spanish-American war. Napoleon (or the eternal Anglo) destroyed you in the long term, though he should never have set foot on the peninsula. Not that he really did, he mostly sent second rate generals.

Rioting isn't a problem most of the US population deals with, my city didn't even have a single riot and most of the protest damage was limited to all the black businesses and gas station nobody white uses anyway. There is also no point to such places now that cars are electric in the first place. Though I'll admit that Trump's riot was pretty bad, but it won't get worse than that as the Republican party has successfully cancelled itself in the minds of most Americans.

I mean, how many people go into black areas to buy things anyway? There's nothing worth buying. And since I don't take mass transit, the transit shutdowns (protesters would lay in front of buses and attack drivers) didn't affect me and all it did was cancel my town's bus service permanently. This improved things because now blacks can't get in, so as far as I'm concerned the problem sorted itself out. Now they're all contained to their neighborhoods again, and they don't even allow yellow busing because they don't trust the white people schools either. All is well.

I think the day US elites smell some shit like oil or a giant dildo they want, they’ll turn the propaganda machine that way and in a week you’ll have mass protests in favour of war.

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That's not true, Germany has been an industrial powerhouse before any US influence.

>You were already a civil war shithole by the time of the Spanish-American war. Napoleon (or the eternal Anglo) destroyed you in the long term, though he should never have set foot on the peninsula. Not that he really did, he mostly sent second rate generals.
I was talking about fucking Germany since that American implied we were only succesfull because of the US.
Which is wrong considering we defeated yo so hard that we founded our country in your greatest palace.
>Opus Dei is mostly a bunch of prayer obsess religious weirdos who seem to think working hard is some equivalent to self flagellation and a good thing.
>They’re not an equivalent to Freemasonry, at least not in Europe. You’ve read too much Dan Brown.
Its common fact dude, they are highly educated and devout Catholics, something that a state whose ideology is formed by Catholicism would utilize.

The Borbons are linked to corruption but also to modernization, Juanca literally he made many beneficial treaties for Spain and helped us enter the EU, if you have to blame someone, blame the PSOE, those social democratic rats are the biggest cancer in this country, they were the ones who annihilated the industry created by Franco.

we built your county.
we could have left you in rubble.

He's famously made of fun for it.