American parenting

>American parenting

Attached: spastic minecraft kid.jpg (3264x2448, 3.46M)

kek id smash that stupid faggots head straight into that cake if i ever saw this irl

Cry about it faggot

This is cute, I wish my parents cared that much about my hobbies when I was young instead of calling everything I enjoy in life 'a waste of time'

fucking cringe dude
not even a Dark Souls themed party

That's more effort than most would put in. Modern parenting is letting a phone or tablet do it for you.

you're an american clone
you're a pale weakling irl

Bobby, we are not having a mining themed birthday party, I don't care what gosh darn video game you are playing. No son of mine will be labeled a freak.

Attached: MV5BMTUzMTQ4NjcyN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDY5MDk0MjE@._V1_UY268_CR87,0,182,268_AL_.jpg (182x268, 9.75K)

t. 50 kilo 1.6m twink

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That's dope. Let kids be kids.

What's the problem of it?
I once had a Dofus theme birthday party

I had a bounce house once on my 3rd birthday but I stopped wanting birthday parties because the other kids were mean to me.

>bring a creeper costume to middle school
>all of the other kids love it
>they wanted to know who was under it
>take off the mask
>they all frown
>”oh, it’s you”

>I stopped wanting birthday parties because the other kids were mean to me.
I had the same problem

You're giving American parents too much credit

>Australian eldercare

Attached: soyjak.jpg (1024x733, 73.1K)

Looks like too much effort for my parents. The most I got as a kid was a cake with some cartoon character on it. I rarely got presents if I did it was from family members.

why do they

Attached: american school cafeteria.webm (576x720, 1.8M)

what is this supposed to be showing me

American parenting would just be a child sitting in front of a computer/phone.

Fuck yeah i'm gonna go eat those sticks

why do they what? Have a normal life?

>Actually healthy food
>Parents who love and care about their son so much that they're willing to do all this cool shit for him
What's the issue? I wish I had parents like that.

>oh boy i would shove that freakin dork into a lock-ACK!

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