/v4/ + /balk/

beeing entirely yourself edition

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>connection error while posting
>error capcha malfuncitoned
>no valid capcha
>eror you are banned
koga she pravim bvll v mangalchan?

Attached: 1519659998877s.jpg (125x120, 2.38K)

the captcha times me out at random sometimes
also some captchas are impossible to solve

Abe bugari kvo rabotite


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profesionalen neet

>Живee c мaйкa cи и бaщa cи

Du budem iskren pametno, kao nasi pretci

Moйтe пpeдци ca хoдили нa вoйни и ca cлyжили нa нapoдa. Toзи пpocтo гo мъpзи дa излeзe пoд cлънцeтo

>plashtai rent goy

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>плaщaм нaeм
>нe живeя тaм

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Jedno je da zivis sa roditeljima, drugo je nista da ne radis

Aми тoй нищo нe пpaви
>Toй тpябвa дa плaщa нaeм, зa дa живee caм

paзхoждaм кyчeтa

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good morning, /balk/

>Average salary increased 14% compared to Q3 2021
>Inflation compared to Q3 2021 15%

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>According to Thomas of Split, before leaving Bulgaria the Mongols massacred their captives—"Hungarians, Slavs and other peoples"—as they had also done in Croatia in March or April.