How the hell can a family, that is able to do magic and shit, be poor? I mean, what? It makes no fucking sense

How the hell can a family, that is able to do magic and shit, be poor? I mean, what? It makes no fucking sense

Attached: Weasley_family.jpg (483x280, 75.18K)

because you can't magically create money lol

jk rowling is unironically a racist. the worst kind of racist. the one that think she's not one.

all the stereotypes of the irish, blacks, asians, jews, are all present in harry potter. and she got away with it simply because she's a a woman.

Easy, they sold their royalties to JKR for a golden galleon. They meant a literal three mast wooden ship of pure gold. Then the authoress changed the lore. And a galleon coin is 10.07 dollars at the current exchange rate. It's the old native american land for a gallon of fire water switcheroo rip off, but in the magical UK

>own their own massive house

surreal stuff really

It makes sense why they'd 'be poor' in the sense of having to buy shitty brooms/owls and being worried about not affording schoolbooks or whatever
What doesn't make sense is their house being all run down considering how talented most of them are at magic. You can create magical creatures and joke gadgets out of nothing and kill high tier death eaters but not build a house that can fit all your kids? Fuck off.

Was there a currency exchange for Muggle/Wizard money? You could probably use magic to make crazy money in the Muggle world and swap it over

It's a story for children who's lore and world are based on imagination and whimsy

yeah there was, in the books hermione's parents come to diagon alley to change money at gringotts
I guess Arthur weasley's job would cover that kind of fraud though, plus the (((goblins))) would definitely make sure there was no funny business going on

Yes but it's run by the """goblins""" and they basically control the entirety of all wizarding money. So they can tell if money is legitimate or a magical copy.

If you were fucking smart, what you'd do is just magically disable cameras in x radius via a cloaking spell around an atm, alohamora the atm, and walk off with the money. Then you'd go to gringotts and exchange small amounts of money as needed over time.

Adopting an urban ghoul as a household pet is no mere trifling endeavour. They require a steady diet of splendorous gold coins and will settle for no less, often becoming agitated and violent when denied so.
Harry and his chums discovered this in their fourth year at Hogwarts, when it was reported in the daily prophet that after being denied its regular sumptuous platter of lustrous gold galleons in favour of counterfeit muggle chocolate alternatives, the Weasley's beloved ghoul Wogollim had ransacked the Burrow and buggered the poor matron of the household for several brutally rowdy hours.
Arthur Weasley was to said to have watched the entirety of the carnage with rapt enthusiasm, and was later heard loudly pondering as to what else could fit up his wife's fat fucking arse.

this or something similar would definitely work, like said Arthur Weasley's department in the ministry would investigate it but
apparently it's super underfunded and basically just him running it

didnt the dad intentionally try to live like muggles would, he found all that muggle shit fascinating? did you miss the entire muggle sympathizer shit he was pushing? despite voldemort losing, most of the wizarding world still hates muggles. voldemort was aggressive about attacking them and kicking out mudbloods, the ministry took a hide and isolate approach. but the weasley's were one of the very few pure-wizardblood families that were pro-muggle.

He didn't intentionally live like a muggle, it was essentially just his weird dad hobby like how some dads are into model trains or whatever. You're right that him being empathetic toward muggles is what caused his lower social standing though, it was seen as kind of a joke.
Between that and SPEW being treated as a joke by most of the characters it's weird how lib JKR went after the books, I guess it's all performative though

>wife's fat fucking arse
unrelated reminder that Vernon met Molly Weasley for about 30 seconds and his enduring memory of her was "Woman with the Dumpy"

They were one of the last few pureblood families, however, none of their ancestors or immediate relatives did anything "noteworthy". Basically, their entire lineage was poor. Arthur took up a shitty job that didn't pay well, Molly didn't work, and they had far too many kids.

Harry was born in to wealth because of James's job as an auror. They got paid fuckloads because aurors risk their lives basically every day and deal with the worst possible shit imaginable when it comes to creative uses of wizarding terrorism.

Arthur probably spent all his wizard money on cocaine and desperate muggle hookers willing to indulge his every sordid whim and fantasy.
Being an honest man of indomitable moral stature, he would have of course recompensed the women fairly for having their minds, bodies, and spirits thoroughly destroyed by the vast array of magically-enhanced kinks someone as prim as Molly would never indulge. Unscrupulous individuals like Lucius Malfoy and his ilk would simply resort to the Imperius curse.

>Between that and SPEW being treated as a joke by most of the characters it's weird how lib JKR went after the books
writing characters that are bigoted towards other species and classes of people does not mean she agrees with those views. literally they are always shown to be wrong, and there are plenty of other activist characters in the books too. the wizarding world was written to be in the middle of all that social change, not some utopia set after it. literally a major plot point in the books is trying to find the secret racists and voldemort sympathizers

harry's father was also from a prestigious rich family, just like sirius

Don't forget, they're a notable wizarding family to boot with government connections as well and many of the older sons are extremely successful. There is no reason whatsoever for the family to be poor, Rowling just wanted them to be so that they'd be more sympathetic.

>literally they are always shown to be wrong
the whole SPEW thing literally paints hermione as being wrong in no uncertain terms despite her trying to liberate a slave race

>and many of the older sons are extremely successful.
none of them are successful