What kino should I watch while I eat this?

What kino should I watch while I eat this?

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Planet Terror
Motel Hell

The Day The Earth Stood Still (Digesting)

Would be so much better if the staff de-ribbed the meat for you.


How long is it gonna take you

Here's a question, would you switch to Beyond Meat or similar if Bill Gate or whatever told you he'd pay for it for your entire life?
You can have as much as you want

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This, also the cute waitress should pre-chew it for me and drool the meat paste into my mouth like I'm a baby bird

It looks like a lot but it's 90% bone.
Ribs don't fill you up.

>Young kid never saw ribs before.
>Tell them it's a giant grilled centipede.

thats literally a bug

kek thought the same

What the fuck? Are you fucking serious? Are you a fucking zoomer?

Something about Cavemen.

Im not taking the piss. Ive kept the bones from these beef ribs I had. I cleaned them and was using one to stir a pot earlier. There's something primal and satisfying about having large bones around.


Your body is 90% bone though.

I see Alejandro has prepared a meal of chili and sea bass for you


What are some caveman kinos

Days of Thunder

Quest for Fire
Le Dernier Neanderthal

This looks entertaining. youtube.com/watch?v=tJO0YSiuWDA

Oh, a centipede. Why not watch something related, like Starship Troopers?

>*dies of ass cancer 30 years later*

People would rather pay for meat and have animals slaughtered than let Bill Gates buy them dinner forever.

yes, so long as they don't discover years later that eating Beyond Meat ends up being even WORSE for the environment

it's worse for the environment but I'm just talking about the taste, which I find to be in some ways superior to real meat

you need to spend a few years living in the woods somewhere. get all the toxins out of your system