I'm Scottish: the comedian

>I'm Scottish: the comedian

Attached: limmy.jpg (500x500, 40.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm unfunny: the Scot

I bet he's secretly gay or worse

>99% of comedians """jokes""" revolve around their own nationality or physical characteristics
Just below 'making the audience clap instead of laugh' on the talentless hack scale

Attached: 34642323.jpg (1135x1017, 61.62K)

he really loves making that face doesn't he

>I'm Scottish: the comedian
Not knew. An awful lot of comedians set their stall out as "I'm part of this small ethnic group". They then proceed to use "look how I do things/say things different to you" ad infinitum.
It's fairly standard.

i hate australian accent comedy

>i hate austrian accent comedy

Attached: Thatwasthejoke.gif (367x280, 477.63K)

peak comedy. he's barely holding it together

Hes got two baftas

World's greatest emoter

>He's a cuck in the spare room: His Wife

He got a wife and a kid, but I think he experimented at some point. Not sure though


Attached: 1604124404392.png (112x112, 14.89K)

>He got a wife
he never had a wife and his long term partner of 20 years recently left him

Thanks for clarifying, when did she leave

Lot's of Scottish humour is 'English Bad' and 'Scottish words funny'
Just look at REbbits ScottishPeopleTwitter, they literally get off to us talking like a wanker in text


whole crowd is people whose first language isn't english

they're still living together but don't consider themselves a couple. they apparently separated in 2021

Ah I see, thanks. I suppose that's better than being unhappy and still together. But who knows.
>Inb4 Limmy is a cuck

you're a little late for that
she comes home drunk for tinder dates while he's streaming